
Lisrak is the son of a brown and bluerider at Tarizal Weyr, Mailstra and D'kor, respectively.  He grew up with several half-siblings on both sides, the closest of which was Biakar, son of D'kor and Quamilia, but he had no full siblings to speak of.  He was a true Weyrbrat at heart, often teaming up with the former Weyrwoman's daughter, Harasel, to play pranks on an unsuspecting victim.  Their largest "prank" was setting fire to the Feeding Grounds barn, because Seharia's golden Felathith was to rise the next day and Harasel absoloutely detested Seharia.  The girl took the blame, leaving Lisrak much relieved.  He would of stepped up and "fessed" had it not been for Harasel saying that she'd done it all herself.  She assured him that it had just been another prank,a nd he shouldn't worry about it, although he still does.