
Erilam leads you into the stables, and a whinny from a stall attacts your attention.  A paint mare sticks her head over the wooden door, and when Erilam steps up towards the mare, it nuzzles the back of her neck.
"This," She says, smiling, "Is Maiket.  I adopted her from
Rohlen Hold, and they almost always have firelizards and runners up for adoption."  Maiket gently sniffs at Erilam's pockets, and she laughs, pulling a piece of bread from her pocket and offering it to the mare.  She accepts it daintily from the palm of Erilam's hand, and sniffs around for more.
"Playful, isn't she?" You ask as the mare butts Erilam's shoulder. 
"Yes, she is, but whenever it comes to running, she's not too great.  You see, whenever I get Maiket out, which isn't often, she wants to play and buck and kick.  However, I can't get her out all too often, because it seems like there's almost always dragons feeding."  Her face clouds as the mare butts her again.
"Why don't you leave Shifri to play with her?" You ask, pointing to the firelizard on Erilam's shoulder, who chirps happily and perches on Maiket's stall door.
Nodding, you both turn out of the stables, leaving the firelizard behind to keep Maiket company.  As you walk back into
Erilam's weyr, the sounds of the two "speaking" back and forth drifts to your ears, and you smile.