Olanath's Flight

Cyllanth's head jerked up suddenly, and J'nal could feel his blue's anxiety.  "What is it?" He asked, rushing out onto the ledge and looking down over the feeding grounds.

Olanath rises! The said, spreading his wings and allowing J'nal to mount him.  Trying to keep his balance without flying straps, the young bluerider wobbled back and forth on his dragon's back.

Right as Cyllanth touched the ground, J'nal clambered down from his dragon's back, watching as the blue lept upon a hearbeast.  Olanath had begun to blood her kills, but only with Oraine's constant mental commands. 

After four herdbeasts, Olanath began to glow.  Not a glow like a gold whenever she was about to rise, glistening in the sun, but an inner glow of strength and power.  She spread her wings, and jumped into the air.

Cyllanth followed, one of the seven dragons chasing after the green.  There were two browns and five blues, counting him, and for a moment Cyllanth became one with his rider.  It was J'nal-Cyllanth up in the air, swooping about as the mating flight began to take place...

Olanath, in her prime, was able to outdistance the males easily.  Brown Lukinath and blue Birith squabbled slightly, as did Skyth and Raimith.  When the brown Vreth came between the two, both were momentarily disorted, and dropped to the back of the pack.

Cyllanth, along with the blue Skyth, manuvered around Raimith and Skaith, trying to keep up with Vreth.  Olanath hissed and doubled back, all of the males quickly wheeling around to follow.  Lukinath and Birith were too slow to change direction, and Skaith took the lead.

Olanath shot a wary glance at Skaith, who nearly matched her speed.  Perhaps he was worth of her?

No! Cyllanth shouted mentally, and closed in on Olanath from the side, snaking his tail around hers before she could escape, and twining necks with the green.  There was a moment of struggle before Olanath gave in, and then all of the other competators dropped below the clouds.

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