My name is Alisa and I'm offering on this site a wide range of products and services.

The services I offer include:
Typing, Editing and Translating.

I also sell Gemstones, Amulets, Handicrafts and Books (new and used).

Free Horoscope with every purchase!

My personal interests include Astrology, Kabala, Gemstones, History, Anthropology, Literacy, Education, Politics and Religion.

You'll find on this site also a webliography of recommended links, articles and interesting news from behind the scenes.







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Contact Information:

Alisa Levy

Do’ar Na’ Lev HaShomron

Itamar 44834



Telephone: 972-2-9978623

Telephone: 972-2-9974913


Skype: bareket57                                                                                                  



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