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Los slogans o frases que No Fear ha puesto en la boca y poleras de muchos, y que estas a punto de leer, son la piedra angular para la actitud NO FEAR. En esta pagina, hay una recopilacion, quisa una de las mas grandes en Internet (y no es chiste) de frases NO FEAR.
Si no los conoces y no tienes idea de que es lo que es un slogan NO FEAR, te recomiendo que dejes todo de lado y leeas aunque sea algunas de estas frases. No te vas a arrepentir.

Son varias paginas, surfea a travez de ellas con estos links.
Las frases que considero mas significativas estan con color

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imagenes e historia

FEAR is the unknown Word !

Loosing stinks !

Beat all you can beat !

Race your fears

Where I come from, there is no next time, there is no second chance, there is no timeout

Don't dream it...be it

Get in, sit down, shut up and hold on

A second could mean SECOND

No reward is sweeter than victory

No crying, not ever. (Unless you receive a blow to the nuts)

Knock the skin off it. You think this is bad, you should see the bat

Fear not the ball, only the score it makes

There's no such thing as unnecessary roughness

You can tell a man's fears by looking in his eyes

You can always tell a predator, their eyes are in the front

To live the ultimate dream you must face the ultimate nightmare

The brave don't cry

Fear, if you don't stop it you will go blind

Know your limits then break'em

I feel a bruise on your horizon

You just do it, I'll just win

Lead, follow or get the @!*% out of the way

Fear, just another 4 letter word

Beat all you can beat

The Edge... Where the masses spectate, a choosen few compete, and only one defines

Within instinct lies a greater strength

If you have to ask why, you'll never understand

You don't get to be the best, because you are lucky, the only thing you get with luck is good parking!
Second place is the first loser

I've never lost....I've just been a bit behind when the time ran out

No scars, No Scrapes, No Proof

Nothing is more painful then regret

Its not the pace of life that concerns me, its the sudden stop at the end

Are you afraid to die? Or just afraid to live?

You do not greet death, you punch him in the throat repeatedly until he drags you away

The price of living is dying. everybody pays

A man is only as big as the dreams he dares to live

Those who know, can't explain. those who don't, cannotunderstand

Where ever the fear may be...look it in the eyesWhere ever the fear may be...poke it in the eyes

At 200MPH you have no friends

If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space

The distinctive markings of a predator, it can smell your fear, sense a coward, and preys on the weak and elderly

We take these risks not to escape life...but to prevent life from escaping us

You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The older I get, the better I was

He who dies with the most toys...still dies

Commitment isn't the time you spend, it's a line you cross

Precious few are born with it... even fewer know what to do with it

It's not that life's too short, it's just that you're dead for so long

Fear doesn't paralyze....it kills

Only those who dare to lose, win

This ain't no walk in the park

Warning, pain is just part of the game

Prey for competition, it makes you stronger

For every battle there is a price to pay, now pick up yourteeth and go home

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imagenes e historia

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