Here I am , just a couple of minutes old…Mummy and daddy were so proud…Wasn’t I a real cutie ??


 the picture was taken at Warwick Hospital in England .

And there again after the nice midwife Jackie had cleaned me up , I meet my grand mother for the very first time … This is a special moment as Yiayia has come all the way from Australia .

  Well we both look pretty happy , hey ?


*****************************************************************When I was this tiny , I was a gorgeous baby . Unfortunately for Mummy and Daddy , I had colic … And not just a little bit !!! It was pretty hard for them , but luckily they loved me and comforted me through it all and I am now a beautiful cheeky little boy . Judge for yourself !!

 my mummy tells me I am the most gorgeous boy in the world … And you wanna know what ??? I believe her !! Even on the BIG toilets I am the greatest !!

                                           don’t you look you know where !!! Okay ???!


A little word from my mummy ….


Leo is now a very active 2 year old toddler . They hadn’t told me the terrible twos’ would be that terrible !! But he is still a very cute little boy , talking all day long – oh yes when I say talk …  lucky you can’t hear him  !! – He has this thing about him , everyone loves him . Leo now speaks three languages ; he learned the French from Maman , his Greek from his Papouli , and his English from everyone else

Such a clever boy indeed !

He is also a great big brother to baby Luc , kissing , hugging , cuddling him all the time . And he loves sharing his lollies and drinks with him too !! Who said toddlers don’t know how to share ???????