X-Men: Trek Wars
by Ben Church
	All X-Men Characters are the property of Marvel Comics.  All 
Star Trek characters are the property of Paramount Pictures.  All Star 
Wars characters are the property of Lucasfilm.  Feedback is always 
appreciated: bchurch@su.edu

Chapter 2

	"Your in for quite an interesting time of it Brakiss." Q said
arrogantly.  "These people may not have the control over the force that
you have, but they're trained well in the control they do have.  They 
have uses for both sides of the force that no one else in the entire 
galaxy has thought of.  I'm looking forward to seeing how you do."
	Brakiss started to say something, but Q stopped him.
	"Do forgive me for being rude," Q interrupted.  "But there are 
so many players in this game, and I really must visit them all.  But 
I'm sure you won't mind, me being a manifestation of the force and all.   
Ta ta." With that, Q vanished.
	Brakkiss and Zekk stood for a moment, staring at the place 
where Q had stood.  Brakiss was in awe, but he quickly shook it off.  
There was still a war to be won.  And he intended to win it.

* * * *

	Xavier sat in his office, studying the information that 
Lilandra had given him about each of the two spacefaring people who the 
Shi'ar were forming an alliance with.
	Until very recently, the New Republic had been the Rebel 
Alliance.  After a decades long war, they'd finally defeated the Empire 
they'd been ruled by.
	The Federation was a group of planets and systems that joined
together for mutual benefit.  
	But the most fascinating thing about it was, that both the 
Federation, and the New Republic were primarily governed by Humans!  
How was such a thing possible?  The same species evolving in not two, 
but three completely different sections of the galaxy!
	The conference should be interesting.
	"My my, you mortals do have a gift for understatement don't 
you." a voice said across from him.  Xavier looked up and saw an 
arrogant looking man in an X-Men uniform standing in front of his desk. 
There was something strange about him.
	"Who...what are you?" Xavier asked, though, he was fairly sure 
he knew already.
	"A fair question Charles.  I am a being from what you mortals 
quaintly call, the Astral Plane.  As for who I am, you can call me Q."

* * * *

	The Millennium Falcon slowly approached the planet's surface. 
When they'd reached and altitude of about ten feet, Luke stopped him.
	"This is far enough Han."
	"What?  You're going to jump the rest of the way?"
	Luke looked at him in surprise.  "It's just ten feet Han, even 
a non Jedi could do it.  Besides, given the strength of the dark side 
on this planet, you'll be safer here."
	"Okay kid what ever you say.  I'll be waiting for you."  Han 
still didn't like it.  Luke was forever getting himself into trouble 
when it came to the dark side.  "Hell," he thought.  "He actually 
turned to it once!  Bad enough I've got to worry about trying to fit in
with a bunch of dignitaries, without my brother in law gallivanting 
around some evil planet.  If anything happens to him Leia will kill 
	"One more thing Han.  Don't open the door for anyone but me.  
I'll make this quick.  I'll get the..."  Luke's eyes glazed over, a 
sign that he was feeling out with the force.  "...survivor, and get 
out.  I'll make it quick."
	"You do that kid.  Wait a minute, what do you mean survivor?"
	"I sense death here Han.  I think there used to be a colony 
here.  Or at least a large population, perhaps a civilization, either 
way they've been almost wiped out."
	Without further discussion, Han opened the ramp and Luke leapt
to the ground.  As soon as he landed, he unclipped the lightsaber from
his belt and held it ready.  On a planet such as this, he was taking no
chances.  He forced himself to stay calm and not give in to fear.  He 
too, had a bad feeling about this.

* * * *

	The Enterprise cruised at warp 5 towards the conference.  
Preparations were underway for the welcoming reception to be held in Ten 
Forward.  Guinan was going all out.  Many of the crew suspected she 
knew more about the New Republic and the Shi'ar than she was telling.  
They believed she had probably run into them on her travels around the 
far reaches of the galaxy.  But no amount of prying could get anything
out of her.  Worf was overseeing the security precautions he'd 
suggested, and been approved by the captain.  
	The information on the two Alien governments was made available
to all curious persons, in fact they were encouraged strongly to review
it.  One crew member needed no encouragement.  Data was examining the 
profiles of all who would be at the conference.  In addition to the New 
Republic and the Shi'ar Imperium, there would also be a representative 
from a previously unknown race, but Data had uncovered previously 
classified records, that suggested that they had visited earth in the 
late 1970's.
	Moving on from there, he looked at the list of representatives. 
From the Shi'ar, would be Empress Lilandra, Corsair; a friend of hers,
and the Imperial Guard: Gladiator, Oracle and Cybo.  All were Aliens who, 
either through cybernetic implants, genetic mutation, or a species exclusive 
gene such as the Betazoid Telepathy, possessed powers that they used in the 
service of the Imperium.  He made a mental note to look into the nature, and 
cause of their powers later.
	From the New Republic, a larger group had been assembled:
Princess Leia Organa Solo; fascinatingly enough, a human, her husband 
Han Solo, and their children Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo; Han's friend 
Chewbacca, Chewbacca's nephew, the children's friend Lowbacca; 
representatives of a species known as Wookies, they were apparently tall
bipedal creatures that were completely covered with fur, and the 
children's other friend Tenel Ka.  As well as, Luke Skywalker; some 
sort of religious leader, General Lando Calrissian, Admiral Ackbar 
	Data stared hard at the screen.  C-3PO: Protocol and Translator
Droid, and R2-D2: Maintenance Droid.  Droid, it could only be short for
Android.  Data was now looking forward to the conference more than

* * * *

	Jason stared in wonder at the animals before him.  The first 
was small, about the height of Lando's hand.  It was bipedal, with 
brown and white fur which covered almost it's entire body.  It had 
large pointy ears, large wide eyes, and an amazingly expressive mouth.  
It had a very wise look to it.  It's hands had small fingers, with 
opposable thumbs capable of holding small objects.  At the moment it 
was holding a pen, and drawing a picture.  It was an intelligent, 
sentient creature!  Jacen would not have been surprised if it was able 
to use the force as well!
	The other animal was not intelligent as far as he could see, 
but was no less fascinating.  It resembled nothing more than a ball of 
fur, that pulsated as it purred.  The purring seemed to have a calming 
	"What are they?" he asked the Melmacian trader quietly.  He did
not wish to disturb the one drawing.
	"Well," Skip said.  "The one that's drawing is called a Mogwai. 
They're very rare, and not easy to care for.  The other one is a 
Tribble.  They're also kind of rare, but much easier to take care of."
	"How much?" Jacen asked eagerly.
	"Well for one thing...Oh!  You mean how much to buy them?"
	"Well, the Tribble you can have for oh...ten credits.  But as 
for the Mogwai..."
	The Mogwai would probably be more than he could afford. 
Jacen's eye's must have given away his dismay.
	"It's not really a matter of price."  Skip said.  "You see, 
he's intelligent, so I'd have to talk it over with him first.  If he 
says it's okay, I'll let you two spend some time together, get to know 
one another.  Then, if he likes you, you can have him for fifteen 

* * * *

	Brakiss turned off the communicator with a sigh of satisfaction.  
All the forces were in place.  If all went well with the 
attacks, the force users of the galaxy would be in their clutches or 
	"It is time Zekk."  Brakkiss beamed at his pupil.  Even after 
his defeat of Tamith Kai's apprentice, Zekk had continued to surpass 
Brakkis' every expectation.  "I must now go to gather our allies.  You 
and Quorl prepare for your part in the attack."
	"Yes master." Zekk said.  He was secretly happy that he had not
been chosen to go with Omega Group to attack his friends.  He was
much more prepared to face total strangers rather than Jacen and Jaina.
	He turned on his heel and strode out of his master's chamber.  
He turned left and headed for the hanger bay.  The two Nightsisters, 
and many of the Stormtroopers on board had gone to capture the leader 
of the Shi'ar Imperium, and her guard.  Quorl had picked his finest 
troops to participate in this attack.  And although the rest of the 
Dark Jedi trainees were not far enough along in their training, Brakiss 
had taken steps to ensure that they would not lack for Force Users in 
this attack.  Zekk smiled.  It would be an interesting battle indeed.

To be continued...

    Source: geocities.com/b_church