X-Men: Trek Wars
by Ben Church
     If you don't know who these guys belong to, I'm not going to tell

Chapter 16
     Riker ducked as yet another laser blast came his way.  His
phaser had had no effect on the Stormtroopers, so they had begun to
focus on the various computer terminals all around the bridge.  "Surely
the ship is incapacitated by now." he thought.  "Riker to Enterprise, 
beam us up."

     Tamith Kai slapped Cybo hard across the face, waking him.  He
blinked, peering around at his surroundings.  The Imperials had taken 
him and Anhalla to the top of the Imperial Palace.  Below him was the
yawning chasm of the Capital city of Coruscant.  Apparently, the
Romulans had left, for he saw only Stormtroopers.
     "Why'd you bring me all the way up here to interrogate me?" he
asked.  "Are you going to throw me off the palace if I don't answer 
your questions?"
     Tamith Kai smiled coldly.  "What questions?" she asked.  Cybo
immediately felt her enter his mind.
     Anhalla was wakened by his screams, but chose to bide her time.
 Cybo screamed again as the Night Sister thrust herself deeper into his
     "This boy has great force potential." she realized.
     Cybo blinked as his mind was suddenly inundated with names,
images...memories.  "I can't let her see any of this, she's already 
learned to much."  Cybo jerked spasmodically, throwing the troopers 
holding him off balance.  Then, he turned, and leapt off into space, 
picking up speed as he fell.
     "No!" Anhalla screamed.  She easily broke away from her captors,
and ran to the edge, but he had already disappeared into the darkness
     Tamith Kai's communicator beeped just as an imperial shuttle hove
into view.  "We're about to destroy the planet." Brakiss' voice said.  
"I suggest you make use of the shuttle."
     Tamith Kai smiled.  "At least it hasn't been a total loss." she
thought.  She glanced at the disbelieving Anhalla.  "Don't worry about
your friend." she sneered.  "You're about to join him."
     Anhalla turned and dashed for the lift as the shuttle sped away.
     Behind her, Q appeared on the platform, and gazed down after
Cybo.  "Well," he said, quite pleased with himself.  "I guess my work here 
is done."

     "The primary weapon has shut down." Worf announced.
     "Well done mister Data." Picard congratulated.  "Picard to
transporter room three, beam Mister Data, Mr. Laforge and Mr. Threepio
back as soon as you have a transporter lock."
     Suddenly, the bridge shook wildly, throwing the crewmembers to
the floor.
     "The Star Destroyer fired at us while our shields were down!"
Worf shouted.
     "Bridge to transporter room 3!" Picard ordered, thinking quickly. 
"Beam two photon torpedoes directly into their engines!"
     A second later, the view screen was washed out by the
tremendous explosion of the Star Destroyer.  "Wonderful things,
transporters." Picard thought.

     Two Star Destroyers continued to hammer the Shi'ar flagship. 
     "Our shields are failing!" the tactical officer shouted.  Then, a
miracle occurred.  A purple blur shot across the view screen at one of
the Star Destroyers.

     Gladiator hovered in front of the Star Destroyer, long enough for
them to see what was about to destroy them.  Then he began to hammer
the ship with his fists.

     "Namok, that man is attacking an Imperial Star Destroyer with his
bare hands!"
     "And doing a fine job as well." Namok said as the ship was
destroyed.  "Now let's finish the job.  Doma target the remaining ship 
and fire."

     "Han, the Super Ship is here!" Leia shouted.
     "I don't believe it!  They single handedly took out an entire 
fleet?" Han replied.  The rest of the Imperial fleet was beginning to 
withdraw.  "Looks like we've got 'em beat!"

     "Well, that's that." Corsair said.  "Let's go pick up the X-men."
     The Star Jammer headed towards the Death Star.

     "Good heavens!" Lawaxana shouted.  "Who are you?"
     *Don't worry Ambassador.* Jean thought.  *We're called the
X-Men.  We're here to help.*
     *The Force is strong in you.* Luke thought to her.  He and Jubilee
rounded the corner and met the X-Men.  "In all of you." he added.  Soon
they were beamed back to the Starjammer.

     Soon the Imperial Fleet was in full retreat.  Fighters and
Interceptors fled back to their ships, and the remaining Star 
Destroyers broke of the attack and began to head off into space.  
Including the Death Star.
     "Captain we cannot allow such technology to exist." Data said.  
"It has the power to destroy entire planets faster than a Borg ship can."
     "Agreed Mr. Data." Picard said.  But the problem remained, how to
destroy it quickly.  "Mr. Data, divert all power to the transporters, 
and beam our entire complement of Photon torpedoes into the core."
     "Aye sir."

     In the light of the huge explosion that followed, no one noticed 
the Shadow academy slipping away.  "Wonderful things, these Matter
Transporters." Han thought once he'd received an explanation for the
Battle Station's demise.

To be continued...

    Source: geocities.com/b_church