X-Men: Trek Wars
by Ben Church
     Trek, Paramount.  Wars, Lucasfilm.  Mutants, Marvel.

Chapter 12

     "South patrol, come in." Commander Hayes ordered.  He received
no answer but static.  "I repeat, south patrol come in.  South patrol do you 
     "Commander, there are several unidentified ships orbiting us."
stated a Comm officer.
     "What?  Send a ship to investigate.  And send an AT-ST to check on 
south patrol."
     "Yes sir."

     The trio of warriors, Wolverine, Worf, and Chewbacca stalked
cautiously but aimlessly in the huge forest of the moon of Endor.
     Worf scowled at his tricorder.  "I can detect no sign of
technology.  If there is indeed a base on this moon, then we are
nowhere near it."
     "Hold up." Chewie said.  Once Worf had translated, Wolverine
     "What's up Chewie?" Wolverine asked.  Then, faintly he smelled it.  It 
was faint, but he could detect the faint scent of cooking meat somewhere in 
the distance.  "This Wookies got good senses." Wolverine thought.
     "You have been here before Chewbacca." Worf said.  "Friend or
     "Unless I miss my guess," Chewie said.  "Friend.  Come on." he
led his two new friends into the forest.

     Han Solo leapt from his seat as soon as he felt the Falcon 
touch down in the cargo hold of the strange ship that his wife had arrived 
     "Goodness, I'm so glad we've arrived." Threepio said.  "I was
afraid that we would never get here.  I just don't know what I would have 
done if I had missed-"
     "Button it Golden Rod!" Han said, running down the ramp.  "Leia!"  He 
saw his wife coming and smiled.  But his smile faded when he saw who was 
with her.  "You!"  He drew his blaster and aimed it for Boba Fett's head.
     "Han no!" Leia shouted.  But before Han could shoot, a blast from the 
side knocked the gun from his hand.
     "Good shot Cindel." Doma said.  "Sir, I have something to explain to 

     "Wicket my friend!"  Chewie gathered up the diminutive Ewok into a 
careful Wookie hug.
     Wicket did not understand a word that he said, but recognized
him immediately.
     "You following any of this?" Wolverine asked Worf.
     "Only that the small creature's name is Wickett.  It will take some 
time before the universal translator can decipher the small ones' language."

     Gizmo looked unhappily at the five new Mogwai that he had
created.  He did not like what he was about to do, but he was his friends 
only hope.  "Listen up!" he shouted.
     The leader of the new ones, looked at him.  "What's up dad?"
     "I know secrets.  I know how to create you.  I know how to
destroy you.  And I know how to make you strong.  I will tell you these 
secrets, for a price."
     "What price?" the leader asked suspiciously.
     "Only that you leave the people who are prisoners unharmed."
     "Not a particularly eloquent speaker." Gizmo thought.

     "Hell of a nerve." Chewie thought.  "Putting their base right where the 
old one was."
     "What's the plan for gettin' in?" Wolverine asked.
     "A frontal assault would be too easily repulsed." Worf said.  "I 
recommend we split up and enter through separate entrances."
     "A good strategy Worf." Chewie said.  He glanced at the Ewoks
gathered around them.  Using hand signals he believed that he had
effectively relayed the message to stay where they were.
     There were two main entrances to the bunker.  One was on the
other side of the clearing.  There was also a ventilation shaft that opened 
on the roof of the bunker.
     Wolverine volunteered to take the trip to the far side.  Worf would 
take the ventilation shaft, while Chewie would enter through the main 

     Wolverine circled the clearing, heading for his entrance point.  
Halfway there, he spotted a returning AT-ST.  He grinned.

     "This is AT 12 returning.  We could find no trace of South patrol."  
Karn started at a sudden thump on the roof of the AT-ST.  He looked up, and 
saw the port opening.  "What the?"
     Wolverine grabbed the pilot and co-pilot and pulled them up and out of 
the Walker.  Without looking at either of them, he tossed them into the 
woods.  Then he dropped down into the cockpit.
	It did not take him long to figure out the controls.  The 
Stormtroopers at the door were treated to an unpleasant surprise when they 
were blasted by one of their own walkers.  In the process the door was 
blasted open.

     Worf dropped from the shaft into a corridor that ran from left to 
right.  He estimated that he was in the center of the complex.  Drawing his 
phaser, he stalked down the hall to his left.

     Chewie heard an alarm from the other side of the bunker.  He
guessed that Wolverine had penetrated the complex rather violently.  The two 
guards were easily taken out, and the one he let live was only too happy to 
let him in.

     "Sir we have an intruder alert!"
     "What?" asked Hayes.  "Where?"
     "Right here Bub."
     Hayes whirled around, drawing his blaster.  His first shot went right 
over the head of the now lunging Wolverine.  He did not get another shot.
     Wolverine grabbed the C.O. by the collar and growled in his face.  
Suddenly, he jerked in pain as blaster fire struck his back.  Wolverine 
dropped the C.O. and returned fire.

     Chewie heard the blaster fire up ahead and picked up his pace. 
He found Worf pinned down by a group of Stormtroopers around the
corner.  When the repressing fire subsided slightly he peeked around the 
corner and returned fire.  It was at least a minute before he noticed 
     "I am glad you are here my friend." Worf said.  "As humans would say, 
cover me!"
     Chewie immediately began to fire on the troopers while Worf
dove into the corridor.  He vaporized one guard, and then drew a knife he'd 
kept concealed in his uniform.  He threw the blade with such precision that 
it struck a trooper just between the neck armor and the helmet.  Then he 
tackled one of the remaining guards and wrestled for his gun.  Chewie took 
out the last guard with his bowcaster.  Worf dispatched the guard he was 
dealing with and rose, grinning.
     "I have not fought such a glorious battle in a long time.  There will 
be songs sung in honor of our deeds."
     "You got that right." Chewie agreed.  Hearing more blaster fire ahead 
they ran to join their final comrade.  They surprised the troopers from 
behind and quickly defeated them.
     "Nice o' you two t' join us." Wolverine said.  He turned to the 
commander and held his claws up to his head.  "Let's have us a nice little 

     "Captain there is an unidentified ship rising from the planet's 
     "What now?" Picard thought.  "On screen." he said.  A strange
three winged vessel was streaking out of the atmosphere.
     "They are hailing us."
     "Let's hear it."
     "Worf to Enterprise.  We have vital information."
     "Thank God," Picard thought.  "At least we know he's okay." 
Then what Worf had said registered.  "We?"
     "Yes captain," Worf replied.  "I have encountered friends of the New 
Republic and the Shi'ar.  And one of the intruders known as Wolverine."
     "Excellent Mr. Worf.  "We'll have you beamed aboard immediately."
     "We would prefer to dock sir."
     "Very well, Mr. Worf, you are cleared for the main docking bay."

     "Your Highness the Imperial shuttle is hailing us.  It's Chewbacca."
     "Oh good." Leia said.  "Inform General Solo of his safe return."

     "Approach slowly." Captain Mord ordered.  "We don't want to
spook them."  The shuttle was built for stealth, which was why they had been 
sent to investigate the unidentified ships orbiting Endor.  "By the force!  
The negotiations are happening here?"
     "Is that why they're here?" the pilot asked.
     "It must be.  Get the rest of the fleet here, we'll destroy them once 
and for all!"

To be continued...

    Source: geocities.com/b_church