Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
by Ben Church
Feedback!  Please!

DS9 and all associated stuff belongs to Paramount Pictures.  This takes
place just prior to, and during, First Contact.

Int. Station; Promenade upper level: JAKE SISKO is working on a
story, so engrossed is he, that he bumps into ODO.

JAKE: (Embarrassed) Sorry Odo I didn't see you there.

ODO: Hunh.

JAKE wanders off, once more engrossed in his work.

Pan to:
NORA ZIAL gets off a turbo-lift and looks around, bewildered. 
she starts off to her left.  She is still not used to the
station, and appears lost.  She does not get far:  JAKE collides
with her as she turns a corner.

JAKE: (apologetically) Oh, I'm sorry.

NORA: No it was my fault.  I'm still not used to the station.

JAKE: Aren't you Gul Dukat's daughter?

NORA: Yes I am, Nora Zial.  And you're Captain Sisko's son aren't
you?  Jake, right?

JAKE: Yeah.  Well, pleased to meet you.

JAKE continues on his way.  NORA looks after him, smiling

Int. Ops.: O'BRIAN, KIRA, WORF and DAX are at their stations. 
SISKO exits the turbolift.  

DAX: Good morning Benjamin.

SISKO: Good morning old man. 

Console beeps.

DAX: Benjamin, I'm picking up increased nutrino levels. 
Something's coming through the worm hole.

SISKO: (smiling) I know what increased nutrino levels means by
now old man.  On screen.  (the smile fades from his face when he 
looks at the viewscreen)

Ext. space:  Wormhole opens, small, BORG ship comes out.

Int. Ops.:

O'BRIAN: Bloody hell.  It's too early in the morning for this.

SISKO: Raise sheilds!

BORG transporter effect.  Severly injured HUGH beams onto bridge. 
Then he falls to his knees.

ON VEIW SREEN: BORG ship explodes.

HUGH: (painfully) Help me.


Ext. Station:

SISKO voice over: Station log stardate 4106.3: Though there has
been no further wormhole activity since the arrival of the Borg
child, I am keeping the staion at yellow alert.

Cut to:
Int. Infirmiry: O'BRIAN watches as BASHIR examines a comotose
HUGH who lies on a bed.  Two SECURITY GAURDS are also present.

Continue voice over: I've had Hugh transferred to the Infirmery.
Under gaurd.  According to Starfleet records Hugh once saved the
life of Captain Picard.  But that does not inspire much
confidence in me.

BASHIR: (annoyed) Chief, are these gaurds really neccesary?

O'BRIAN: To be honest Julian, I don't think so.  But it's Captain
Sisko's orders.

BASHIR: I suppose I can understand his caution.  It can't be easy
being faced with a representative of the race that killed his

O'BRIAN: And is still a threat to the Federation Julian.  Let's
not forget about that.  (under his breath) Bastards.

SISKO enters, takes in the scene.

SISKO: (to BASHIR) How is he?

BASHIR: He'll live.  The damage was surprisingly minimal.  With
the Cheif's help here, I've repaired the damage to both his
organic tissue, and his cybernetic implants.

SISKO: Is it safe to wake him?

BASHIR: I don't see why not, he should be fine.

SISKO: Do it.  We need to find out what happened.  (He nods to
the guards, who draw their phasers.)

(BASHIR presses a hypo to HUGH'S arm, with a HISS.  HOUGH jerks
awake, emitting a short scream of terror before taking in his

HOUGH: (Looking around) You are Starfleet.  (He looks at O'Brian) 
You are O'Brian.  You are of the Enterprise.  (relieved) I made

SISKO: Not quite I'm afraid.  You are on the Bajoran Space
Station Deep Space Nine.

HOUGH: (resigned) It does not matter.  You are still Starfleet,
and for now I am safe.

SISKO: What happened to you?  I've never heard of Borg travelling
alone, even after your encounters with the Enterprise crew.

(HOUGH looks at the security guards who still have phasers
trained on him.)

HOUGH: You do not trust me.

SISKO: (ignoring HOUGH's comment.)  I'll repeat the question. 
What happened?

(HOUGH studies SISKO for a moment then speaks.)

HOUGH: The Federation is in danger.  I am the last survivor of my
people, the Indiviual Borg.  The Queen has taken a personal
interest in your people.  First, her ship attacked, and decimated
our colony, and now she heads for sector 001.

BASHIR, SISKO and O'BRIAN: The Borg Queen?

(The Defiant being readied for departure.)

SISKO: (V.O.)  Station Log; Supplemental.
Long range sensors from several Starbases confirm Hough's claim
that the Borg are once again headed for Earth.  In preparation,
Starfleet has called most of the fleet back to Earth to stop
them, including the Defiant, under the command of Liutenant
Commander Worf.

KIRA: (Walking up to O'BRIAN who is checking things off on a
list.)  How is she chief?

O'BRIAN: Ready as she'll ever be Major.  The engines are purring
like a kitten-

KIRA: What?

O'BRIAN: Oh, sorry, old earth slang.  It means the engines are
working fine.  Anyway the phasers are set to randomly rotating
frequenies thanks to Dax and Worf, and so are the shields.

KIRA: (quietly) I hope it'll be enough.

O'BRIAN: So do I Major.  So do I.

(CUT TO: SISKO'S office.  WORF, DAX and HOUGH stand before SISKO
who is seated at his desk.)

SISKO: Is everything ready?

WORF: Yes sir.  Chief O'Brian informs me that the Defiant will be
ready to leave within the hour.

SISKO: Good.  (broods for a moment, then looks at WORF.)  Good
luck to you Mr. Worf.  You'd better do better than the last
armada that tried to stop the Borg.

WORF: Yes sir.  We will stop the Borg or die.

SISKO: (smiles grimly) It's that last part that worries me Mr.

Cut to:
O'BRIAN: (putting on the new uniform jacket.)  It's not fair, I
just got used to the old uniform.

KEIKO: Oh quit complaining Miles, I like this one.

(O'BRIAN smiles.)

O'BRIAN: You picked quite a time to come back.

MOLLY: (entering)  Mommy, Daddy, he did it again!

O'BRIAN: I changed him last time.

KEIKO: You weren't there last time.

O'BRIAN: (sigh)  You'd think in the twenty fourth century we'd
have done away with dirty diapers.

Int. Sisko's Office.  WORF is gone, but DAX and HOUGH are still
there.  SISKO is obviously still uncomfortable with HOUGH.

SISKO: How are the preparations coming Old Man?

DAX: We're almost done Benjamin.  Rom is turning out to be a big
help.  He's more familiar with the Cardassian's systems.

SISKO: (to HOUGH)  Are you certain the Borg will come looking for

HOUGH: I am not certain of anything these days Captain Sisko. 
But they attempted to wipe out the Individual Borg.  As I am the
last of them, it is reasonable to assume they will come after me. 
It would be safer for all concerned if I left the station.

SISKO: Absolutely not.

HOUGH: I do not understand.  The Borg were responsible for the
death of your wife.  I present a danger to your station simply by
my presence, and yet you protect me.

SISKO: You've apparently got a lot to learn about being human
Hough.  Whether I like you, or trust you or not, you're still a
human being in danger.  And besides, I'm not letting you out of
my sight for a second.

HOUGH considers this.

HOUGH: I see.

DAX looks from SISKO'S steely gaze, to HOUGH'S unwavering one.

DAX: Benjamin, could I talk to you for a moment?  Alone?

HOUGH: I may assist Rom in the preparations.

DAX: Good idea.

HOUGH exits.

SISKO: I don't want to hear it Old Man.

DAX: Well too bad.  'Cause you're going to.  I understand that
Hough's presence here is an uncomfortable reminder of Jennifer's
death, but Hough isn't responsible for that.

SISKO: It's not that easy.

DAX: (Sympathetically)  No, it never is.


ROM and JAKE are working on something.

ROM: Hand me the spanner.

JAKE: (handing it to him) Are you scared?

ROM: What?

JAKE: Are you scared.  Of the Borg coming.

ROM: (looks up from his work)  Of course I am.  You'd have to be
insane not to be.  Which is why I'm working so hard on our new
defenses.  (He pauses in his work)  How about you?

JAKE: The Borg killed my mother.

ROM: (he did not know (god knows why he didn't)) Oh, I'm sorry. 
You really must be scared.  Maybe you should evacuate with the

JAKE: (taking a deep breath) No.  I can't keep running.  Besides,
if we win, think of what a great story it'll make.

HOUGH: (O.S.) Geordie would call you an "Optimist".

JAKE: (freezing)  Hough.

HOUGH crawls onto screen.

HOUGH: Jake Sisko.  (There is remorse on his face)  Your mother
was killed at Wolf 359.  I am sorry.

JAKE: (taking a while to answer)  It wasn't your fault.  You
weren't there.  And even if you were, you weren't responsible for
your behavior when you were a Borg.

HOUGH: Strange.  You have forgiven me for being what I am, yet
your father still resents it.  Why is this?

ROM: Children's minds are more accepting than those of adults.

JAKE: You don't get half the credit you deserve Rom.

HOUGH: (regarding Jake's laughter and Rom's smile)  Is this what
is known as, an Inside Joke?

They laugh harder.

Cut To:

EXT. Space:

The Wormhole opens.  A Borg Cube comes through.

INT. Ops.

SISKO: Sisko to Rom.  We've run out of time.  I hope those
modifications are complete.

ROM: (on comm) We're done Captain.  We just finished.

O'BRIAN: Not a moment too soon.  They're hailing us.

DAX: Do we really need to know what they have to say?

SISKO: I doubt it Old Man.  I'm pretty sure at least three of us,
me included could repeat their speech verbetim.

BORG: (on comm) We are the Borg.  We will add your technological
and biological distinctiveness to our own.  You will be
assimilated.  Resistance is futile.

Odo: (while they're talking) Looks like we don't have a choice
about listening to them or not.

O'BRIAN: They're forcing their signal through somehow sir.

SISKO: The Borg always were, insistent.

Cut To:

Int. Quarks.  The Borg message broadcasts all over the station.

QUARK: I knew I should have evacuated with the others.

Cut to:

Int. Ops.
Sisko isn't listening to the Borg.

SISKO: Mr. O'Brian, raise shields and open fire with our new phasers.
We'll show them how "futile" our resistance is.

Cut to:
Ext. Station.  The Borg Cube is damaged by the pasers, which begin to
change color.  The pounding continues.

Cut to:
Int. Ops.

SISKO: Are they adapting?

O'BRIAN: They're certainly trying sir, but so far our phaser 
modulations are giving them a hard time.

SISKO: Good, keep it up Chief.  Fire torpedos.

Cut to:
Ext.  Space.

The Borg cube sustains more damage, but the tractor beam turns on.

Cut To:

Int. Ops.

DAX: They're attempting to lock on with their tractor beam.  Modulating
shield frequencies.

The station shakes.

KIRA: They've got us!

O'BRIAN: Already?  Damn shields.

DAX: Benjamin, I'm reading several intruders.

HOUGH(on comm): Sisko, there may be a way to stop them.

SISKO: Then let's hear it!

Cut To:
Int. Cube
Three Quantum Torpedos appear in the CENTRAL CHAMBER

Cut to:
	Ext. Space the tractor beam cuts off, as chain reactions rock
the cube.  Finally it explodes.

Int. Ops:

O'BRIAN: We're not out of the woods yet captain.  Several Borg beamed
aboard just before the cube exploded.

SISKO: Where are they?"

O'BRIAN: The Promenade.

SISKO: Put all security teams on alert.  All hands, this is captain
Sisko.  Intruder alert.  Repeat, intruder alert.

Cut to: Int. Promenade.

A passing security guard is assimilated, and fire is exchanged.

Cut To: Int. Ops.

HOUGH arrives, and hurries to SISKO

HOUGH: You cannot defeat them with phasers captain.  The Borg will 

SISKO: I'm well aware that the Borg adapt Hough.  What else to we have
but phasers?

HOUGH, in answer, goes to the bridge replicator and scans it.  He then
taps some buttons, and a futuristic looking rifle appears.

DAX: Projectile weapons?

HOUGH: Armor piercing rounds.  The Borg will still adapt quickly, but
we, THEY, are unaccustomed to non-energy type weapons.

KIRA: Why is that?  Don't you (HOUGH winces) sorry, they encounter
species primitive enough?

HOUGH: Yes, but the Borg do not confront them face to face.  They just
assimilate those civizations from orbit.

DAX: (smiles at him, then looks at SISKO) Looks like it's a good thing
he's on OUR side.

SISKO: (ignoring her) Sisko to Secutity, equip two out of each team 
with automatic projectile weapons.

Cut To: Montage of scenes of battle, the two sides appearing mostly
equal at first, but finally the Borg begin to gain ground.

A Borg attempts to assimilate Odo, but he morphs away, then snaps the
Borg's neck.

Cut to: Ops.

HOUGH listens with the others to the increasingly bad progress reports.

HOUGH heads for the transporter.

SISKO: Hough!  Where do you think you're going?

HOUGH: The Borg will prevail unless I stop them.

He beams himself to the Promenade, where the Borg are nearly 
unchallenged.  He blasts three Borg with his own Borg gun, attatched
to his arm, before they adapt.

While the Secruity Officers rally, he takes on two Borg hand to hand.

More security arrives, and HOUGH is caught in the crossfire.  His body
jerks as it is hit by bullets and Borg Distrupters.

Staggering, he grabs one of the Borg Drones and pricks it with the 
electrode on his bionic arm.  Sparks fly from the Drone, and then,
one by one, from the others.

Cut To:
Int. Promanade.  Security is cleaning up.  SISKO and O'BRIAN are over
seeing the work.

SISKO: What happened to them chief?  (he indicates the prone bodies of
all the drones.)

O'BRIAN: Near as I can tell sir, Hough sent some sort of electrical 
impulse through their network that shorted them all out.  He saved the

SISKO stands for a moment, dealing with the fact that a Borg had saved
them all.  He turns to leave.

Int. Infirmary

HOUGH lies on a biobed, most of the borg implants removed.

SISKO: How is he Doctor?

BASHIR: He'll live.  His implants took the brunt of the damage, so I
removed most of them.  Given time, he should make a complete recovery.
But I imagine being more man than machine may be of some shock to him.

Close up of HOUGH, as his skin turns from deatly pale, to a more 
healthy color.

Int. Quarks.
JAKE, NORA ZIAL, HOUGH, and MORN sit at the bar.  HOUGH is trying 
something from a mug.

ZIAL: I never could stand the stuff myself.

JAKE: Well Hough, how do you like it?

HOUGH: I do not know.  I am unfamiliar with the concept of taste.  
Perhaps if I had something to compare this...Root Beer to.

SISKO enters, and heads for the bar.

SISKO: Hough.  I need to talk to you.

HOUGH: Of course Captain Sisko.  (he rises, and follows SISKO)

SISKO leads him to the back of the bar.

SISKO: This isn't easy for me to say.  Thank you.  And I'm sorry.  I
let my personal predjudices effect my treatment of you, and you didn't
deserve that.

HOUGH: It is understandable Captain Sisko.  But your apology is 
accepted, as is your thanks.

SISKO: Have you given any thought as to what you'll do now?

HOUGH: I have.  Geordie has extended an invitation for me to visit him.
I think I will take advantage of it.  I was most pleased to hear that
the Borg were defeated on Earth.

SISKO: What will happen to the Borg now that their queen is dead?

HOUGH: There will be another Queen.  You have not seen the last of the
Collective Capatain.

SISKO sighs.

SISKO: I thought as much.  (he shakes HOUGH'S hand)  Good luck Hough.

HOUGH: And to you Captain.  And to you.

The End
