Capeside September 11
by Benji: The Vampire Confuser

Dawson's Creek and all characters therein belong to Kevin Williamson.

Gale held her newest child as if afraid that any moment she would be torn from her. She wanted to call out to Mitch, but she could not find the breath. Before her on the television screen a vision held her spellbound. She had been woken only a few minutes before by her daughter's crying. She had turned on the television because sometimes the sound of new voices made her curious enough to stop her crying. Sure enough, the baby was not crying. But Gale was.

* * * *

Pacey was not happy to answer the phone when it rang, but did so anyway. "Hello?" he said groggily.

"Pacey?" a male voice said, sounding almost desperate.

"Dad?" Pacey had never heard his father like this before. He could swear he was about to cry. Immediately his brain snapped aware. "What happened?"

* * * *

Grams and Jennifer clung to each other, hardly daring to look away from the television. Behind them, Jack held the phone receiver. Toby was on the other line. Neither was speaking, they merely took comfort in each other's presence, long distance though it may be.

* * * *

Dawson sat up, not quite awake, and not registering the reason. "Turn on the TV!" a voice from outside the room called out. "Turn on the news!" He realized it had been someone banging on the door that had woken him.

* * * *

Joey was almost frantic when she couldn't get through to Bessie on the phone. Across the room Audrey listened dully to the news on the radio. Bessie's line was busy. The moment she hung up, the phone rang. She picked it up. "Hello?"

"Joey?" Bessie said. "I just tried to call you, were you on the phone?"

* * * *

That afternoon Mitch hung up the phone finally. He and Gale had been talking to Dawson all day. He immediately picked up the phone to call others that he knew. He didn't know who to start with. He suddenly wanted to talk to everyone who'd ever been a part of his life.

* * * *

Pacey sighed with relief. He'd just heard that both Doug and Gretchen were both present and accounted for. He wondered if Dawson had heard the news. Of course he had. Everyone had by this point. Worry and fear had faded from Pacey's heart. For the first time in his life, he wanted to join the military. He wanted to be one of the ones to get the bastards that had done this.

In remembrance of all who lost their lives on that tragic and fateful day.