Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 17:25:36 -0700
From: ernesthancock@INFICAD.COM (Ernest Hancock)
Subject: Re: 14th, 2095, etc

>The sad truth is if you could get 10 people to show up it would be alot.
>Everytime we have tried something like that 10 people show up. I'm not
>saying we can't try something like it, but if only 10 show up we will look
>like fools.

Not true. Whenever SAFE did something we were glad to have 10. Hell, all we wanted was for more than one person to talk to TV. The fact that we could get media at all was enough. Then the next time there would be 15. Then the next time 30 then.....

Hell I started by myself when I filed the Unrestricted CCW Initiative. And every gun dealer on the planet didn't want anything to do with it. Then after we were well into the 20,000+ range of totally volunteer petition signatures, Shooter's World wnated to be my best friend. Why? Because the NRA was working with the legislature for a permission slip. And Shooter's World was willing to pay me hansomely for the CCW list because they were getting ready to offer the classes and wanted this VERY good marketing list. Hell man, it is always about money. The NRA thought that they could make nice with everybody, including Arizona gunowners, by passing this crap. So they must pay or they will keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over..........

Look at it from their Country Club vantage point. When "Nobles" (as they like to think of themselves) are rubbing elbws with their own kind (or the kind of people they want to be - you know, those that think they have power over others) they say very modest things like, "You know Reginald, we really must be mindful of the little people" to which the reply is something like, "Quite. What do you think the majority would settle for. Mind you, if we can increase the size and/or scope of government control, you won't have any complaints from anyone UP HERE". Its then that some of us get honorable mention, "There may be a bit of spouting from those extremist on the fringe. You know those that babble on about freedoms and rights instead of being grateful for your generous offering in this well crafted compromise, your Eminence" (maybe I didn't spell that word right,... but I bet the NRA knows how :)

It's all about Duck Hunting to them man. They have no idea that the anti-gun thing isn't about saving grandma from feeling uncomfortable at the market from a long hair with a gun on his hip. That just the mind set they use to justify more controls. And it ain't for the damn children either. I have four, and I know they don't give a crap about their safty when they're with their mother on a pizza delivery at a dark apartment building at 10:45pm. And this happens many times. On the weekends she wants to leave early to go home when we are the ones closing the store and will take delivery with her. She takes here firearm with her. And all my children are trained in their use as well. It's time for my two sons (11 & 13) to get their first HANDGUNS. And how many laws would that violate. Hell I can't remember a time that a handgun wasn't classified as MINE by my father. First was his .22 ruger semiauto on up until he said I could buy my own (you mean they really weren't mine???). I always went to my dad to borrow his .357 revolver when I went camping or on a trip. It wasn't until our "Take your Gun for a Walk in the Park" event at Encanto years ago that a very nice person from this list gave me a Makarov so that I would even have a gun. That's right. I filed the CCW Initiative, Founded SAFE, Joined the Libertarian Party, was elected County Chair, talked up a no-compromise storm and didn't even own a handgun. All I had was an early 1900's single shot .22 that was passed down from my grandfather and his single barrel shotgun that I was afraid to fire due to it's condition. I was poorer then and Dole and the NRA's Brady hadn't taken hold yet (_bought_ my first gun the weekend before Brady took effect). So to me this issue wasn't about when and where I could carry the guns I didn't have. It was clear to me what was happening. I had come to understand the beast through international commerce (long story). I knew it was about control. And the slaves just are not going to be under control while they were able to have firearms. RKBA has been a windsock for me. And this was further ingrained when I read an L. Neil Smith article about why RKBA was so much a focus in his books and article and sure as hell his politics. It is an issue that can tell you in 5 minutes where someone is in their philosophy. And the NRA has demonstrated over and over again that they ARE the enemy. The best that they can claim is "Enemy Lite". "The most damage you'll suffer will come from a supposed friend and will be the least recoverable", L.Neil Smith. I know what he means. And that's why I stay as far away from the NRA as possible. If I'd known the NRA had infiltrated this effort earlier I would have insulated myself as much as possible from the expected back stab.

The NRA tries to convince RKBA supporters that being critical of the NRA is damaging to gun rights. This is total bullshit. And the truth is in fact 180 degrees from that. First the NRA must be forever purged from the minds of Arizonans as the defender of gun rights. No longer will any legislator ever be able to say that they think that the NRA speaks for Arizona gunowners. Never again will an endorsement from the NRA be as valued as,......... fill in the RKBA _blank_, NRA's profits from mailings will continue to dwindle (from gun owners at least - oooh, you thought that was the only place they get their money? Follow the money.) It's time that the _N_ational _R_epublican _A_poligist are exposed for what they are to the media and in the media.

As much effort as I have ever spent on activism to support our RKBA will be doubled in the effort to forever and utterly destroy the influence of the NRA and their heretofore unchallenged authority to speak for me in Arizona. And what I (and others) learn will be broadcast to the four winds as a battle cry for others to follow the example. These NRA sellouts have no idea what is starting. And as often happens, they'll give credit for the success of the effort to one person or a small group for causing their nightmare. But the only credit due is for having good timing. Communication technology is the wooden stake to statist and I've already started to whittle my little poker to be added to the pit.

Don't hate me NRA,... I'm just the messenger.

Ernest Hancock

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