From: ("Ernest Hancock")
To: ("lpaz-govcom")
Cc: ("L. Neil Smith"), ("Vin Suprynowicz")
Subject: [lpaz-govcom] Call from L. Neil
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 12:53:35 -0700

El Neil was trying to get hold of Liz and called for her numbers.

Neil wants to have a chance to speak before a group of people while he is here,... soooooooo.

I reserved the Country Harvest Buffet for October the 21st from 6pm till 9pm, Sat., at a 25 person minimum x 8.75 = less than $250 w/ tax etc. Maybe we can make a little profit from donations (we are liable for the $250 min. but I am having everyone pay at the front desk so we do not have to worry about it).

So this is how his schedule is looking.

Friday October 20th - Neil is willing to be here in time to do an early morning radio show and I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get him a few minutes on KFYI in the AM and maybe another showing in the afternoon. I think we'll get him on other shows too. Austin Hill at 1280 (or is it 1260am?) and KTAR come to mind. Neil is seeing if he can get some copies of his new book Lever Action in our hands by then, or at least an advance copy to get more radio shows to help promote it, him and our efforts here in Arizona.

Needed: Press releases and media phone calls and faxes.

Saturday October 21st - SRP has every year a really big political picnic that is always very well attended (Tempe - East of Sky Harbor) SRP is like their own municipality and they like to show off their own park for their employees). Many industry leaders come to these and you get to infect the other candidates with libertarian retoric and enthusiasm. This needs to become an Arizona Libertarian Party party. Food is free and everyone is invited that say they are with a campaign. L. Neil and Barry and Ray and all of the other candidates usually get at least 2-3 mins. microphone time and we can really show our numbers to the people that count and will have an impact that will last until the next election. This event goes from 11am until 2pm and is the best event I have ever gone to that is open to all candidates. We get to put up tables and signs and whatever we can think of.

Saturday October 21st - is also the Glendale Library Gun Check Protest. This has been building up to a very big confrontation with the governments of each city in the valley and is certain to have press coverage. The press coverage will likely be in the morning and maybe throughout the day. The Glendale government isn't sure what to do but they are not taking it well. This Tuesday some gunnies are meeting with the Glendale Police. I refused to for several reasons; waste of time - better that their imaginations run wild a little - and my claim that I can't speak for independent gun owners anyway (just promote the shit out of the day and time they need to visit the library with their firearm with a video camera :) So we need to plan on going there first. The Glendale Libraries open at 9am and close at 5pm on Saturdays and they know that we are coming. The librarians are instructed to ask that the visitor leave the firearm in their car or they will have the Police come and secure it for them at the police station where the gun owner must then go and get it back themselves when they wish to have their (now inpected and recorded) firearm back. The plan is that many firearm owners are to request that the police come to check their firearm to demonstrate the waste of time resources and rights. This will continue to be a regular thing over the period between now and until the legislature forces compliance with the law that requires the libraries and all other public buildings to secure the firearm (we'll be finding other public buildings that are open on Saturday also). If no press in the morning then we'll be back after the SRP picnic.

Saturday October 21st - 6pm till 9pm will be the Tempe Country Harvest Buffet dinner where L. Neil Smith will be the featured speaker. Seating capacity is about 125. All of the fliers for the Glendale :ibrary event will promote this event also. Lots of gunnies in Arizona would love to hear him speak about "Why is it Always About Guns"?

I'll leave Sunday the 22nd up to someone else to plan (I'll be busy enough).

Later the next week is another Luncheon put on by the Victor and Hall law firm and I am sending out a 500+ little newsletter that will feature that event and the others I just talked about. It is already paid for and I'll be using my AAAactivist database. That list is about 500 of the most consistant contributors and activist that I have had direct contact with over the past 10 years. Marc Victor asked that I use this list once again to promote his event since it produced such a good turnout last time we used it when Vin Suprynowicz came to speak with Butler Schafer.

So, this is what I need help with....

1) Paul to create a list of the most valuable libertarians he can accumulate (campaign contributors - good voting record - all candidates for this and the past three elections) narrowed down to 1000. Then take my list of 500 and compare so that duplicates are eliminated and maybe cleaned up for bad addresses. (Paul, can sticky labels be done by Thursday?).

2) I have the printing already donated for pizza. The above information formatted into a 4 fold 8 1/2 x 14 newsletter would be all that is needed. I'll fax and or e-mail all of the details that I can to the person that will please help put this itsy bitty 2 pager together. Tuesday Rick Destephens and Tim Weaver meet with the Chief of Police in Glendale and other LEO's as well as some legislators. 5pm that night is the deadline to change the policy or the promotion starts (I wouldn't count on them changing the policy :) and Rick will have his portion of the newslatter announcement done for the Thursday printing and mailing (boy are my kids going to be busy - or some of you could help)

3) Press releases can be created from the newsletter,... volunteer for that?

4) I'll take care of the flier printing for the other gun groups to distribute around the valley.

5) Signs that are 18x24 are easy to do the stencil method that Bob and I came up with and can produce many versions to target the City of Glendale. I'll take care of getting these to gunnies at the meetings they have planned before that weekend.

6) Please get back to me as to what you can do to help.


Visit the Crazy Atheist Libertarian
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Arizona Secular Humanists
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Interesting, funny but otherwise useless news!