Nov 10, 2000

Dear friend --

A lot of you write in to ask, "How can we get more Vin? Where can I find your columns and essays in hard copy? Some of my relatives won't even believe you write for a real newspaper."

Sometimes even, "Why isn't this stuff required reading in every school in America?"

Not much I can do for you about the schools. But otherwise, I'm writing today with some good news. Effective Nov. 1, I take over as editor of Financial Privacy Report, the by-subscription direct-mail newsletter out of Berkeley, Calif. In FPR, I expect to have the space and latitude to take huge strides in the quality, variety, depth, and usefulness of the material I can offer -- far beyond what's been possible under the 800-word limitation enforced by most daily newspaper editors.

(No, this does not mean I'm giving up editorial-writing at the Review-Journal, Nevada's largest newspaper... nor my twice-a-week syndicated column in those 20-odd courageous dailies from New Bern, N.C. to Colorado Springs to Yreka, Calif. Though it DOES mean that -- inevitably -- an ever smaller percentage of my material is going to be available over the Internet, for free. Anything else just wouldn't be fair to those who will now be helping to finance the much more intensive campaign of research on which we now embark, and who thus rightfully expect "first dibs" on our resulting reports.)

Those of you who've read my book, "Send in the Waco Killers" (no, it's not about Waco -- and yes, FPR subscribers will get first shot at ordering autographed copies of next year's sequel... along with "Lever Action," the massive new collection of L. Neil Smith non-fiction essays we now have in production) and who have occasionally received my longer, "bonus" essays via e-mail, already have some idea what I'm talking about.

Claire Wolfe spoke for a lot of us when she wrote that America is at that awkward stage, "too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." If you don't already have some idea how the massive growth of the welfare/police state is endangering all our liberties -- most particularly our property rights, our right to accrue and preserve wealth (soon to be legally re-defined as "hoarding"), even to preserve our own lives and those of our families through our God-given right to self-defense -- I can only suggest that you REALLY need Financial Privacy Report, and that you might want to pay very close attention for the next few minutes.

The battle for property rights in America is being lost, on many fronts, with frightening speed. If you think they can't and won't seize your house, you paycheck, your bank account, and the money you set aside for the kids' education, simply because "I'm not a tax dodger; I'm not some Colombian drug lord -- I'll just explain to them that their snitch made it up; it's all a big mistake" ... you have not been paying close attention.

Start now.


I've been writing my nationally syndicated newspaper column, "The Libertarian," since 1992. I've also been writing columns and unsigned editorials for the daily Las Vegas Review-Journal for about as long. I've interviewed a LOT of politicians over the years, and I know the scorn with which they now nearly universally dismiss notions like "a government of limited powers."

We've been blowing Joshua's trumpet as loud as we can for nearly a decade now, pointing out how our constitutional rights are being systematically eroded under the banners of the "War on Drugs,' (they'll win that one any day now), "Keeping our kids safe from guns" (by passing the very same Victim Disarmament laws that left Europe's Jews and Gypsies powerless to defend their children in 1939), and "Saving the Environment" (sign up now for your guided tour of the pristine, unspoiled wilderness the collectivists left behind in the former Soviet Union, where "greedy capitalist exploitation" was banned for 80 years.)

In one way, it's worked. There are now thousands of you out there who write in to ask, "Vin, what can I do?"

I've tried in good faith to talk about home-schooling --- rescuing a generation from the mandatory government youth propaganda camps, one child at a time. I've talked about explaining to friends and relations their righteous power to nullify bad laws as fully informed jurors. I've also talked about the Second Amendment -- peacefully EXERCISING our Second Amendment rights before a canny and dedicated bunch of would-be child-killers carry them all away to their pleasant-looking gingerbread cottage in the woods.

We're not going to give up these efforts -- in fact, Financial Privacy Report will finally give us room to attack the problem on a much wider front. But life is too short for lies, so here's some truth: So far it hasn't worked. The prison population in this country continues to soar, even as the U.S. Supreme Court kicks back and dreams up new ways to OK cops and Treasury agents raiding our homes and seizing any cash and guns they find -- warrants and other dusty technicalities be damned.

We can't afford to wait around any longer for 51 percent of our neighbors to "get it," or for Paul Revere and the Minutemen to ride to our rescue. The neighbors are all voting for whichever preening political front-man promises to spend more on "the children"; the militiamen are all in prison; the bronze "assault flintlock" on the statue to their memory on the Lexington town green could probably get you 20 years in the Massachusetts state pen if you could pry it free.

It's time to save ourselves and our families, one at a time, through modern, sophisticated -- and perfectly legal -- Financial Privacy.


A year's subscription is $96. How much more than that will you pay the attorney to tell you there's "nothing he can do" after the raid and asset seizure -- assuming they leave you as much as $96?

What you get for that price is me, the 30-year veteran award-winning newsman, setting up a Nevada corporation, then telling you how it's done and how it can help; setting up a family limited partnership and reporting back how it works ... not regurgitating stuff out of someone else's book or brochure, but flying in person to St. Kitts and Nevis, to Switzerland, to Liechtenstein and the Channel Islands, setting up the kind of perfectly legal bank accounts and foundations, international business corporations and offshore asset protection trusts that can leave folks like you and me -- middle class folks for the first time accruing enough assets to be WORTH protecting -- with some protection against frivolous lawsuits, embittered ex-spouses, and worst of all that too-familiar bureaucrat or regulator who figures you've got more than you deserve; you didn't treat him with the proper respect ... and he's just the guy to pick up the phone and do something about it.

Along the way, we'll talk about medical privacy; about the epidemic of state "Child Protective" workers kidnapping children out of loving homes on the flimsiest of pretexts (with first-hand advice from those who found out the hard way the best way to keep YOUR kids out of their grasp); about the way you'll be treated if you're caught carrying "too much" cash through customs ... and wait till you hear about the coming national fingerprint ID card; the real nature of the FBI's new "Carnivore" e-mail snooper technology (the part of the story carefully avoided in this summer's Senate hearings); and the new "facial recognition software" that'll soon have us all "smiling for the camera" before we're allowed to cash a check ... let alone buy that stringently regulated box of ammo.

And then, of course, there are those two, big "Everything You Were Always Afraid to Ask About the IRS" special asset-protection issues we already have on the drawing boards for "tax season" -- next March and April.

Best of all, for reading this far, a special introductory offer: Send in just $72 today, and you'll receive not only a year's subscription to the all-improved "Financial Privacy Report" -- right from the very first issue -- but also a FREE copy of the 1999 Freedom Book of the Year, "Send in the Waco Killers" -- a $21.95 value.

[ADVISORY BULLETIN: The publisher is so pleased with the way subscriptions are coming in in response to this offer, that he has agreed to extend the special $72 offer by ONE WEEK ONLY -- to Nov. 22 -- after which the rate will return to $96.]

To subscribe, just dial (612) 895-8757 and mention "Rick's Special Offer," or send your $72 check or money order -- by Nov. 15 [NOW EXTENDED TO NOV 22] -- to: Rick's Special Offer, Financial Privacy Report, P.O. BOX 1277, Burnsville, MN 55337. Be sure to include the address to which you want your monthly report -- and your personal copy of my 500-page book, "Send in the Waco Killers" -- delivered.

And thanks for making it all possible.

In Liberty,

-- Vin

p.s. -- Feel free to forward this advisory to any friend who you think might be interested.


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