Antelope Valley Libertarian Party

The purpose to forbid something is to discourage that something from happening.

The vehicle or method to forbid this is enacting a law backed up by law enforcement.

Making an act or a product illegal is an initial act of force, because otherwise there would be no widespread voluntary compliance without such a law.

Laws are used to cram a particular behavior down people's throats, with the excuse or rationale that it is in society's best interest, even though many citizens might disagree.

The "power" that can order or legislate feels that it has chiseled a law in stone that cannot be undone by subsequent generations, and it feels good about it.

That authority feels it has created order or "morality" for generations to come.

Communism in the former Soviet Union had forbidden the free practice of religion, but after the wall came down religion inundated the country, because there was a demand.

In today's China the powers that be persecute several religious groups, creating martyrs by incarceration and torture, not realizing that martyrdom always advances it's cause.

The Chinese hierarchy is working hard at creating it's own internal counterforce, simply by persecuting it's own people, who will one day wise up and rise up.

They are doing what our military might never be able to do: lay the groundwork for their own defeat, just like the Soviet Union did.

No atheist or atheist regime can ever out-promise religion, no matter how well it advertises it's concept of a workers paradise.

Here at home we declared a war on drugs and making it illegal has gradually awakened an internal movement that begins to recognize how counterproductive that war is.

The extreme profit motive guarantees an unending supply of dealers, no matter how many we incarcerate, so we encourage drug traffic.

The more force our government applies, the greater counterforce it will produce and the sooner common sense people will stop this insanity.

The non-violent drug users in jail are the martyrs of the drug war, created by ourselves.

John Van Huizum

Acton, CA




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