Antelope Valley Libertarian Party

Dear Letters Editor:

An evolution of force:

Government uses eminent domain to steal property and give it to favored friends at below market value.

Government extorts money in the form of taxes to acquire property for favored friends or subsidize their development of the property.

Government creates facades called "redevelopment agencies" to indebt property owners with bonds and use the alleged future value of the bonds to acquire property for favored friends or subsidizes their development of the property.

So many governments engage in such theft and corporate welfare, that their favored friends play favorites, and the governments find themselves competing with one another for their favored friends to their political disadvantage as their tax burden becomes unbearable or their bonds have no buyers.

In California, Proposition 11 is passed to mitigate the discord with sales tax sharing negotiated among the competitors to the exclusion of voters. That didn't work so now we have Assembly Bill 178, which would forbid one local government from enticing a retailer away from another local government in the same market area (7/24). "Market area" will be the next subject of contention.

Eventually we'll have a new regulatory agency to investigate such government activities and stop "back room deals in smoke filled rooms." Rooms will be bugged and a horde of investigators will follow politicians and bureaucrats around. The regulators will be bribed and another regulatory agency will be created to monitor the first regulatory agency.

Force only begets more force. The only solution is to end the initiation of force. End eminent domain. End the use of taxes for anything other than protection of property (we own ourselves). End redevelopment agencies. Let the market do what it does best: peacefully satisfy the needs of people in a voluntary exchange of excess production. Government can never satisfy anyone without hurting someone.

Bill Holmes, Vice Chair
Antelope Valley Libertarian Party

P.O. Box 3202
Quartz Hill, California 93586, 661-943-7473 voice/fax




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