why I’m quitting school

dead white european male philosophy
dead white european male history
dead white european male economics
dead white european male sentiments

reason is the god of the man
reason is the way, the truth, and the light
asking a philosopher why things must be logical is like asking an artist what abstract art means
guess it’s a secret of the trade
shh... don’t tell anyone else why we’re superior to them
don’t justify in your reasonable way
cause then rationality would be presupposed

and it’s not
I say, it’s not
and whether or not it is
it shouldn’t be the way it is
it’s like the way everyone is so concerned over whether or not god exists
it’s irrelevant, really

the ideal can be real
the ideal will be real
because I will not settle for any less!

not indoctrination
when did they trick me into getting a degree instead of learning?
I thought I was learning,
until I realized how bored I was
of it all
boring means meaningless
and to change the world
you’ve gotta have something meaningful
how does that argumentation suit you?

I’m leaving on my own two feet
and I don’t know if I’ll ever be back again.
