I made this!

My name is Anna and I am the founder of the Karen Blixen Literary Society Online.
I live in Borås, Sweden and at the moment I am at home, expecting my first child. (Estimated to arrive at the end of August 2002.)
I took a break from studying to become a librarian or an informtion specialist, but in 2003 I will continue my studies. This is a job I have some experience from and really love since reading, writing and searching for information are my grand interests. (Apart from making web-pages.)
I have a bachelour degree in English literature and since I am intersted in post-colonial work I wrote my essay about "People, Places and Preoccupations in Karen Blixen's Africa". I did some really interesting research there!

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© 1998 - 2002 Anna Stéen

Updated on August 8, 2002.