Worship Leader Guidelines

In a similar vein as the guidelines for the worship team, I have prepared a set of guidelines that I give out to the other worship leaders in my church. Again, feel free to use these guidelines for your worship team, but email me if you do and tell me your comments. I pray that this blesses your ministry.

Reach Out For Christ Westside Christian Training Centre
Position Description - Worship Leaders



Without making a worship leader’s role to rigid or formal, this document provides guidelines for the worship leader to promote smooth operation of the worship team with its leader(s). It is recognised that all those in the worship team are worship leaders in a sense, and that guest worship leaders may be invited to lead who may not conform to all aspects of this description.

The Person

Essential Attributes/Qualifications

Preferred Attributes/Qualifications

Roles and Responsibilities

It is important for the worship leader to note that the Senior Pastor has effectively given control of the church to him/her for the duration of the musical part of the worship service, and that this is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. It is important that the worship leader has sought the heart of God and has an understanding of what He would desire during the time of worship. The following lists some of the more well defined duties and roles:

For the most part, the worship leader has autonomy over the song list, however he/she should be open to changes by the Music Director or Senior Pastor before the service and by the Senior Pastor or Holy Spirit during the worship service.

The Worship Service

Although many books have been written on leading worship and worship itself, the essential ingredient of the role of worship leader is to do just that; lead worship. The goal of the worship leader (and indeed the worship team) is to lead people into the presence of God. The Bible shows us that this is done through worship and praise. By definition, a leader must be one who goes first, therefore the worship leader must go first in worship to the throne room of God, leading the congregation spiritually and musically with the assistance of the worship team. This sets the platform for the preaching of the Word of God. The presence of God (the Holy Spirit) combined with the Word of God is a powerful combination for changing people’s lives. Recommended reading is the worship team guidelines and any books by Tom Krauter or Tom Inglis.


This position reports to the Music Director and in turn to the Senior Pastor and elders. Essentially the worship leader has spiritual direction of the worship team for the duration of the worship service and has the authority to discipline the worship team during rehearsal and during the worship service for the express purpose of leading the congregation into the presence of God.

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