The Hawke’s Song

On a warm summer evening the mist lay softly over the bay. The full moon gave it’s silvery light to those who
dared to wander through the magical mists.

Upon a cliff above the bay a lone hawk sat up in a tree looking out over the water. Her name was Lady Alawna She was the watcher of the bay. Years ago the great magician, Jankar, had given her the task of guarding the bay from unwanted intruders. She had done her job well. None who had tried to enter had survived.

She was known throughout the kingdom for her fierce fighting skills. The king had awarded her with the freedom to roam the lands at her will, as long as her job was performed to his liking.

Alawna had once been the princess of the land. But, when the current king had defeated her father in battle, her punishment for resistance, was the form of the magnificent bird of prey now seen by all.

One night a month, on the fullest of moons, she could take her human form and walk the cliffs. In a few minutes that time would come. As the moon rose to it’s highest point, her body began to change. She stretched out her wings and let it begin.

Her eyes were the color of dark chocolate; deep and brown, with a hint of gold around the iris. Her skin was soft and smooth like a new born baby, and the shade of light alabaster. Before the great war, men would come from far away to seek her hand in marriage. However, with this horrible curse, she had no hope of ever finding true love.

On the nights she took her human form, her cries of pain could be heard for miles around. Everyone knew the sound. They had been hearing them for the last ten years. Since the curse was cast, she had not aged a day. She was still the beautiful young woman who had ruled the kingdom with her father. Now, the kingdom ruled her. With the curse had come the inability to leave the kingdom’s boundaries.

As she walked along the cliffs, she came upon a small group of rocks. She could sense that she was not alone. Slowly, a tall male form moved out from behind the rocks. She could see his eyes in the moonlight. They looked at her with deep longing. Alawna knew immediately that he wasn’t from this land. His dress was not the usual for this area. He had the look of a sailor. Suddenly she realized that she was completely nude. The way that his eyes ran up and down her body told her this.

He began to speak, "Oh beautiful lady, are you a dream? Am I asleep with this vision of you in my head? Or are you something magical?"

His voice was deep, but with a gentle tone. The sound of it calmed her. Her feet were firmly planted and could not move. As Alawna looked into his eyes, she could see that this man would not be so easy to conquer. She could see a strength in him she had never know before.

Suddenly, Alawna realized that this could be the one that Jankar had warned her of. He had told her that a day may come when a stranger from far away, would enter her life and change it forever. But, he never said how it would change.

As the stranger moved, it startled her out of her thoughts. "My lady? Are you lost? Do you need help?" Fear suddenly struck Alawna to life. She took off running towards her favorite cliff. This was the only safe place she had ever known. She ran all the way.

Magnus tried to follow the shy creature as she ran. She was as fast as a deer running in the forests of his homeland. Because his fear that she would hurt herself trying to run from him, he stopped and let her go. He had been enchanted by her. He could have gotten lost in her eyes forever. Looking into them was like looking into the deep dark secrets of his own soul. He could see the pain in her eyes. Never had he seen such a beautiful woman. For the first time in years he felt alone. She was gone. He knew that he must find her.

Magnus was the captain of his own pirate ship. The Hawke’s Pride had been his for almost ten years now. At the age of 16, he had run off and joined the crew. His mother had worked in an inn back in Ystad, Sweden. He never knew his father, or who he was. When his mother had died, he had decided that he would join the crew of the Hawke’s Pride and sail the world over, find his fortune, and live somewhere warm the rest of his life. Maybe down along the Ivory Coast, or even Jamaica. The rum trade was good there.

As he stood there on the cliffs all alone, his thoughts moved back the mysterious woman he had just encounter. There was something magical and mystical about here. He had heard stories of this mysterious island. He had been told that strange and dangerous things went on here, and about the great hawk that guarded the island. Now there was something else to peak his interest here. The beautiful woman with the eyes of a bird.

As Alawna reached her tree, she could see that it would be sunrise soon. She could feel it in her body. Her change would come soon. For a few brief moments, her thoughts went to the tall stranger that she had encountered. His long blonde hair, his deep blue eyes, his hard muscled body. Shivers ran through her own body as she pictured him in her mind. Once again she became the magnificent bird that watched over the cliffs. She spread her wings and took flight.

When Magnus reached the high cliff, he saw the magnificent hawk take flight. He had no idea that it had earlier been the beautiful woman he had encountered. As he watched the hawk fly over the bay, he couldn’t help but admire it’s grace and beauty. What a wonderful thing to be able to fly high in the sky and float like a cloud.

Magnus sat there at the cliff for over an hour watching the hawk soar over the water and on the wind. As he watched, he started to see visions in his head of the beautiful woman. He could see her eyes. They reminded him of a bird’s eyes; brown and round. When he had looked into them earlier, it was almost like looking into the dark corners of his own soul. All the pain and longing for things he didn’t even understand. It was if seeing her made him realize how lonely he was.

Of course he had his crew, they were like his family. There were the two brothers, the Snipe twins, Danny and Bird. Those two were like having your own personal circus around. They were his daily entertainment. Not a day went by that they didn’t make him laugh. Especially when Falcone, the first mate, got involved.

Just then a movement caught his eye. The hawk was returning. He watched as it glided towards the tree he was sitting under. The hawk circled the tree and came to land on a rock just in front of him. He sat very still. The hawk stood there looking him over. Then, in one movement, their eyes met. He was mesmerized. He felt a sort of familiarity. Like he knew this bird of prey from somewhere in his past.

Alawna sat there looking into the stranger’s eyes. She saw a strength in him. Was this to be the outsider to come in and change her life? For good, or bad, she knew that something must change. She must be totally human again or die. She couldn’t take this life much longer. She longed for life as it had once been.

Normally, Alawna would have torn this stranger apart and thrown him over the cliff by now. But something told her that she must not do that now. She knew her future depended on him. Jankar had said that she would know. But, she also knew that Jankar would do everything is his magical power to stop any attempts at freeing her from her magical bonds.

Alawna finally found her voice. "You must leave this place. You are an outsider here. You don’t belong. If you do not leave I will be forced to end your life here." Magnus was startled out of his trance at the sound of her musical voice. Just the fact that she could speak amazed him. Magnus spoke, "My magnificent bird. I have traveled far across the great seas. My crew and I could use a rest and some fresh supplies. I ask that we be allowed to fill our water barrels and fill our store rooms."

He watched the hawk as she considered what he had asked.Alawna replied, "I can appreciate your situation. Unfortunately, my master is not an understanding one. He does not allow strangers in his kingdom. His command to me is that all who come here are to be destroyed so they may not tell others of his kingdom."

Magnus listened in amazement. That voice, those eyes, that beauty. How could this beautiful bird be so like the woman he had meet just a few hours ago? How is it possible that this hawk is able to speak? He had also noticed that this hawk was much larger than the normal sized hawk.

"With all respect, what sort of king would turn away a ship full of people in need of supplies? We only wish to get food and water and then be on our way." Magnus was trying not to sound too desperate. He was not one to beg. But his crew needed water and food.

Alawna had to make him understand that he must leave. If the king’s guards were to find him, his life would be over. The thought of that disturbed her greatly. For some unknown reason, when she looked in his eyes, she knew that their lives were tied together now forever.

Still looking into his eyes, Alawna said, "A days voyage from here is a small island where you may obtain these things. Please, go now before the king’s guards find you here."

As Magnus looked into the hawk’s eyes, he heard the note of desperation in her voice. But how could he leave her? All of a sudden he had all these questions running through his mind. He knew that she was a prisoner here. He could feel it in his bones. But how could he help her?

"My lady, what is it that you are afraid of? What evil force keeps you from leaving this place? Is there some way that I can help you?" Magnus sat and watched the hawk as he waited for an answer.

Alawna’s voice softened as she spoke. "My brave friend, these are matters that don’t concern you. You have no understanding of the evil things that go on here. This is not your home, but it is mine.
You must not concern yourself. Why would you wish to endanger yourself for me? I’m sure you have family and friends that need you more than I. To get involved would mean your certain death."

As Alawna continued, she turned her head away from Magnus. She could not bare to look into his eyes any longer. She knew that he would see the longing in her eyes. "Ten years ago the evil king, Tazair, came to this kingdom. He chose to make it his own. The current king at that time was my father, Brutus. My father knew that Tazair was evil, so he asked him to leave. This angered Tazair. One night, while all were asleep, one of Tazair’s assassins made his way to my father’s chambers. There he killed my mother, the queen. Afterwards, the king was broken. He challenged Tazair to a duel. My father lost.

After the death of my mother and father, Tazair wanted me to marry him. He said that I could rule the kingdom by his side. I refused his offer. My refusal angered Tazair greatly. He said that if he was not allowed to enjoy the pleasures of my body, then I would never enjoy the pleasure of love. He told Jankar, his evil mage, to make me a slave. When Jankar suggested the curse you see before you, Tazair was pleased."

Alawna turned back to face him. Magnus was sure that he saw a single tear in the hawk’s eye. His gentle heart was breaking for her. He knew that he had to help her. But, the question was how.

Magnus spoke, "My lady is there anyway, that you are aware of, to break this evil curse?" Alawna slowly look up at him and said, "None the I have heard. Jankar has been very secretive about the curse. From what I’ve heard, not even his assistant was allowed to be present when he conjured it up. They say that he went up into the mountains for three days. When he came back, that is when he came to me and cast the spell.

Jankar did tell me once that some day a stranger would appear that would change my life forever. However, he did not share with me how my life would be changed. I do believe that he will do everything in his power to keep this stranger from freeing me from my bonds."

Magnus sat in deep thought. What could he possibly do to free this magnificent creature of her bonds? What would his crew think of this story? Falcone would call him mad. The twins would just think it was another game to play.Newt, the ships version of a doctor, would go along with anything, as long as he got his share of the loot afterwards. be continued....Keep checking back... I'll have more of the story written soon.

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