The Moonlit Trail

We wandered down the softly illumined trail, deep in conversation,

oblivious to the forks in the path, caring not for the destination.

I spoke of paradise...not some distant echo of dream, but the tangle

of life and love in which we walk, breathe and talk in this very moment,

within this luminous place. We need only learn to see, to remember.


As I proclaimed the glory of Life on all sides, palms rising on

uplifted arms, the voice of the woods accompanied my song. The

chord was deep chaos, it's bass tone resonating, unstoppable, like

some slow, vast cymbal.


The river drew us to herself, to an expanse of open sand, ancient

trees arching overhead, and Selene's blessing flowed like cool

bright water over and through us. I stretched forth with wings

of rhythm and voice and flew to her, gently kissing her radiant face

with lingering praises, hand in hand, dancing among the stars.


Ah...we laughed and sang, Selene and I, and the moonlight was my

smile. I was free, so free, in bondage to her beauty.


At length, she sent me forth with one last lingering kiss, up the

trail, helplessly whole.
