Please note: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. I will not be responsible for anyone being shot during drug deals or being deported to Abu Dabi because of the results of this quiz.

Now, These 5 simple questions will help you determine your Detective Quotient.

1. You work at a nearby Mapco gas station. One night, when you report to work, you are astonished to find that it has been robbed. Police are already on the scene. You:

A. Look for clues.

B. Ask the police if there are any suspects at this time.

C. Yell "Everyone's a suspect!" like the crazy kid in the movie Scream and run around the store.

2. Your favorite detective is:

A. Sherlock Holmes.

B. Hercule Poirot.

C. What's a detective?

This next question deals with the manners a detective should have.

3. You're walking down the street and an old lady is at a crosswalk. She cannot seem to find the right opportunity to cross. You:

A. Escort her across the street at the earliest possible moment.

B. Smile and keep walking.

C. Start to escort her across the street, but go extra slow so the light turns green while the two of you are in the middle of the street. Then proceed to run the rest of the distance, leaving her in the middle of the street.

This next question deals with how you should act at a crime scene.

4. Let's say you're a full-fledged detective. You're at a crime scene. The murder weapon, tooth floss, is laying untouched on a cabinet. You:

A. Ask around if the room if the position of the murder weapon has been thoroughly documented and if it's okay to place it in a plastic bag.

B. Ask questions like "What was the time of death?" and "Are there any fingerprints?"

C. Decide to work on that donut chunk that's been in your mouth for nine hours.

This last question deals with the instincts a detective should have.

5. You're at a suspect's door. When you announce that you're a detective, the suspect opens the door, knocks you over, and runs. You:

A. Give chase after the suspect.

B. Call for backup.

C.Decide to call it a day and go on a three-day binge at the coffee and doughnut shop.

Now, if you answered A to most of the Questions, you're well on your way.

If most of your answers were B's, you are also well on your way.

If you answered C to most of the questions, I suggest a nice stay at your local mental hospital. Think about it: free meals, no responsibilities..... you're almost there!