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15. Teacher's Freebies, Gizmos and Gadgets

Last page update: 9/1/02

Here is a selection of freebies, along with some computer gizmos and gadgets that can make using your computer a little easier and more convenient.  Everything here, with one clearly-marked exception, is free, not 30-day trials or demonstrations.  Some are strictly online services, while some require download. 

Unless otherwise indicated, those that require download are simple to install, and require only minimal computer skills to use. If you shudder at the thought of downloading, start with GoZilla, a free download manager that is virtually foolproof.

I use most of these services and programs and am happy to share them.

How Stuff Works Express

Here is a special opportunity for my site visitors.

How Stuff Works is a wonderful, interactive web site featuring real-life science explanations for kids in Grades 4-8.

How Stuff Works Express is an online and hard copy magazine that evolved from How Stuff Works It includes:

1. FREE access to the Teacher's Corner: Teachers and parents can register and receive a password for FREE, unrestricted access. By clicking on the Teacher's Corner gear symbol at the top of each page, you'll find lesson plans, curriculum connections, worksheets, teacher keys, quizzes, end-of-grade reading comprehension tests and extended learning activities. 

2.  FREE subscriptions of How Stuff Works Express Magazine for your school: How Stuff Works Express wants to help bring science, technology and the Internet into your classroom.  This free subscription program is limited to ONE package of 60 copies per school (two classroom sets) and is only available within the continental U.S.   Shipping MUST be to a school address. 

3.  If your school wishes to receive more than 60 copies, additional subscriptions are available in quantities of 60 for a specially discounted rate of $199 per year. That's only $3.30 per student for a full year of How Stuff Works Express (6 issues), a discount of nearly 80 percent
from the single subscription rate. School purchase orders are accepted. 

I suggest that visitors to this site be the first to register and receive the FREE copies at your school.


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     coolsavings.com is a great Free service that allows you to print coupons for savings at national and local stores, restaurants, theaters, etc. Hundreds of merchants...great savings opportunity.  I check it frequently, particularly when I'm about to make a high-priced purchase.

Free Business Cards

This interesting free offer lets you design your own professional-quality, full color business cards online and sends you 250 of them, beautifully printed on 100 lb stock.  You can include your school name and address, your email address, your site URL, etc.

If you are a substitute or guest teacher, what better way to leave your mark and make it simple to get callbacks.  If you are a regular classroom teacher, you can pass these out to colleagues, those you meet at conferences, etc.  

Note: If you use Netscape as your browser, you will have to switch to Internet Explorer for just long enough to access this site.  You don't have to change any settings or preferences to do so: access the site under Netscape, copy the URL, open IE and paste in the URL.

Never Pay Retail For Ink Cartridges Again

WARNING:   This is the only offer on this page that is not a freebie!  However, the prices are so ridiculously low and the savings so high that I think it belongs on this page.

Tired of paying $25 bucks for cartridges for your home or school printers? Visit this site, see if your printer cartridge is included, read the Q&A, and save some money.

As an example, I usually pay $21.95 for cartridges for my Canon BJC-4400; this site has them, brand new (not refurbished) for $5.95. Certainly worth a look!

Free CD-ROM Software

  Unbeatabledeals.com free CD-Rom software doesn't give you the full selection of your local computer store, but it does give wonderful deals on exactly the same software. These are not clearance items or outdated programs that are being pulled off the shelves in stores, nor are they demos. They are exactly the same programs available in the stores, but they are delivered without the large box and the extra handling. They come to you in an envelope, and are enclosed in a cardboard case instead of the plastic jewel case. Otherwise, they are exactly the same product.

About half of the titles in their current "Top 50" on this site are educational titles, particularly for Grades K-3.

Are they really free? Yes and No. The CDs are free, but they charge a flat $4.95 each for shipping and handling. Still a great deal!

Some current (3/15/01) titles:
Berlitz Spanish... Algebra I... Math Munchers Deluxe (MECC)... Mission THINK... Gizmos and Gadgets... Logic Quest... Math Journey 1-3... PrintMaster Gold... Reader's Rabbit Kindergarten... Reader's Rabbit First Grade.

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    Are you taking advantage of online shopping capabilities? Price.com can help. Once you choose the product you are interested in buying online, Price.com will go from online store to online store doing price comparisons for you, ultimately advising you of which of the thousands of sites offers the best price.

Increase your Internet Speed by 78%

If you are spending time on the 'net, you need this!

Marketscore (formerly Netsetter) is a fantastic  freebie - they use high speed servers and compression technology to dramatically speed up your online access through your current ISP. I could see the difference the first time I used it. Simple to download and install. Once installed, it functions automatically whenever you go online.

One-stop shopping for all your fundraising needs.

   eFundraising offers your school or club (non-profits only) an online source to get started in your fundraising efforts. A large selection of programs offer 40% - 90% profit for you. eFundraising makes it as easy as possible for you to get started with minimal effort. They even offer simple, online fundraising via email, sending your potential customers to your organization's customized web page.
   If fundraising is something in which you have an interest (by choice or by appointment), make it easy on yourself and begin looking here.

Need to Raise Money? Click Here !

    TracyHamilton.com is another online fundraising source which can help you get get started on your school or organization fundraising efforts.  They feature a large selection of programs with minimal upfront funding.  Shop and compare.


   Here is a great, free program that combines environmental awareness and fundraising.   The premise is that trashing your ink jet and laser printer cartridges is not environmentally friendly, since decomposition of the cartridges in a landfill takes hundreds of years.  Add to that the fact that these folks will pay an average of $1.50 to schools and non-profit organizations for each cartridge returned for recycling, and you have the basis of a really good deal and a tremendous fund raising opportunity that doesn't involve any selling.  This program provides FREE shipping labels and a kit to help you make the program viable and user friendly.  If you really want to take advantage of the fundraising aspect of the program, you might consider collecting cartridges from local businesses (use the PTO, student clubs, etc. to do the legwork).  RecyclersUSA will provide you a kit containing flyers to contact the local businesses, plus full guidance and instructions for implementing this program.  What do they get out of it?  Empty cartridges, which they refill and sell through a subsidiary.  What do you get?  A great fund raising opportunity and a chance to help the environment. This is definitely a "win-win-win" opportunity.


   A  free, marvelous desktop utility that resides on the Windows system tray.  Allows you to access anything on the desktop via a pop-up menu, without having to minimize your open windows.  Extremely handy and simple to install.

Monster Downloads

   Do you hate to download programs because you lose them? If so, you need Go!Zilla.  This  invaluable free download manager lets you download faster and keeps your downloads organized; it even allows you to resume interrupted downloads.  Finds and automatically uses the fastest download site(s).  Makes downloading and installing a breeze, even for the novice.  Extremely user friendly. 

remembers all your passwords!    

   GATOR is a wonderful free online tool that helps eliminate frustrating web chores like filling out forms, remembering passwords, and typing your email address.

GATOR stores your personal data (as used in online forms) in an encrypted file on your hard drive, and pops up each time you encounter a new form or access a site that requires a password. You can enter your password (without looking it up), or fill in a form with a single click!

This is an invaluable application; a real time and frustration saver.  

Less than a 3 minute download; works automatically whenever needed.  I've been using this for about 2 years and love it.

Rotating Courses

   This interesting free service has great value for anyone, but can be especially valuable for teachers who need a quick refresher or overview before teaching a new unit with which they are less than familiar (e.g., basic electricity, which I needed to review).  Take a look and see if there is an online course for you, or if you want to write one to share with others.