Ephessians 5: 27,31

> The church Jesus is coming back for will be one spotless and pure

> Average person in U.S. lives like a king due to modern conveniences, the "god" of materialism has invaded the church as well - and produced a defective and ineffective gospel.

> Sin is as rampant in the church as in the world.

2Corinthians 11: 2-4

> I believe that the church Jesus will meet will be as the first church - growing from persecution - are we meeting the standards of the first model?

> Christians walked in supernatural power - were not afraid of even death - look at the reformation days..

> The church in China is growing faster than the church in the U.S.

> Two churches will shortly emerge - the false religious state approved church, and God's approved church.. let's look at them...

Matthew 25: 1-13

> Foolish virgins represent the false church..

> The wise virgins represent the true church belonging to God...

> True church - the order of service is directed by the Spirit not tradition - when worship begins - people will fall under conviction - the power of God will be manifest... not show, no artificial...

> Prayer will be hungered for ... not avoided.. people will be healed... the Spirit will move on people....

Luke 12: 35-40

Revelation 19: 7-10

> To be a member of the First Church of the Wise Virgins - you MUST BE BORN AGAIN And have a hunger for more of God..

Bible Studies