Offering, Sacrifice, & The Altar

Genesis 4:1-7

Hebrews 11:4

It is believed that this is the first reference to an altar being used, although the practice probably was instituted by God to Adam after being expelled from the garden.

The altar was the place to bring the offerings and seek God's atonement for sin. It was important just as it is today to bring an acceptable offering to the altar. Today our altar is the place where we get alone with God and offer to Him ourselves in prayer. Abel acknowledged the need for blood to make that atonement, where Cain relied on the works of his hands. God's disapproval to Cain was an eternal message that our works will Never atone for sin, only the Blood of Jesus. We must come in humility and bring the proper attitude to the altar.

Genesis 6: 8-9 & 8: 20-21 - First thing after flood

Noah knew the importance of making a place for

communion the first priority after the flood.

12: 7 - Abraham built altar

13: 1-4, 18 - After Abraham and Lot separate paths

22: 1-2 - Offers Isaac - must be willing to give most

important thing - give it all to God, or at

least be willing to

26: 25 - Isaac builds an altar

28: 12 - Jacob's dream - ladder - meet God

32: 24 - Jacob wrestles with angel - get blessing

from altar

35: 1-3 - build altar - steps to acceptable offering

There are some important steps that should be observed from these verses to an acceptable approach to God. Jacob said to first "Put away the strange gods", and "Be clean", and "change your garments". When we approach God we need to put away all distractions; phone, tv., ect…, and "be clean" by asking first for any forgiveness needed, and "change our garments", by not coming to God with the same old rituals or traditions, but with a sincere heart.

Exodus 8: 25-28 - Can not offer acceptable sacrifice while

still in Egypt (sin), or bondage

God had made it clear to Moses that acceptable offerings could not be made while still in Egypt. Egypt is a type or symbol of sin, therefore we cannot come to God while still in sin.

1 Kings 18 - Repair the altar that has not been used - in

your life

There are some that fall into this category, where their altar has been broken down and not used in such a long time that it needs to be rebuilt and brought back to life. How much time do you spend in prayer? More than the time you spend in front of the TV?

Psalm 22:3 - The Lord inhabits the praise of His people

Romans 12: 1-2 - A "living" sacrifice - dead not acceptable

Acts 2 - fire will fall on proper sacrifice


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