
Luke 22:7-20

Jesus warned that Fellowship with Him would cause enmity with the world. If the world hated Him it will also hate us. Our friendship and Communion with Jesus will cause a division between us and our former friends.

Exodus 6:6-7 - Where the four cups of Communion was instituted

Just as God brought out His people from Egypt, so we are brought out of sin when we accept Jesus and are Sanctified by His blood. We also need to keep in mind that once we are out of Egypt, we are not to go back, nor desire the former life.

Praise is such an important part of the Christian's walk, but sadly most are not aware of it because of "dead" traditional churches. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. When we start to praise Jesus, He actually comes down and Communes with us. The priests would praise God before they would go into battle, and God would be there and fight for them. The devil hates praises to God, because he knows that it brings down the presence of God.

Jesus is our redemption, and redeems us through His blood that He shed to bring us back to the Communion with the Father.

This is the cup that Jesus was referring to which will be taken by Him at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Exodus 12: 1-14, 22-23, 46 Where Passover was instituted

Bible Studies