Novelist J.A. Jance has a saying: "A writer is someone who has written today." By those standards, I am a writer, on average, 1-3 days per week, though I am doing my best to stretch that out to seven.

For now, the simple fact is that my writing is extremely erratic--a sentence here, a paragraph there, never often enough for my tastes; these are exacerbated by dry stretches where I don't even pick up a pen. (I'm working on those, I promise.) Still, slow and maddening though it may be, progress does take place, and I record it here.

For slightly more frequent progress updates (plus story recommendations...seeing as my read-write ratio is something along the lines of 700:1 :P) check out my LiveJournal.

Story proportions are listed by number of scenes completed/projected.

As of 9/9/09: