Mirror, Mirror on the wall.... Who's the fairest one of all? Lets have a look.... *smile*

Corrina - 11/22/00 05:16:38
My Email:Riinna@webtv.net
your state or country: Oregon
How did you find my site?: search, and alot of diging around!!!!

It is nice to see someone who is in the light, and continues to pave a path for those who wish to follow. When I first started, I was alone except for a bunch of Satanic people. Blessed is the words of wisdom, and blessed is the one who will share them.

sandy - 10/15/00 01:51:14
My Email:delynn@adelphia.net
your state or country: ny
How did you find my site?: web search


damian - 10/06/00 00:27:15
My Email:damian_hellstorm@yahoo.com
your state or country: colorodo
How did you find my site?: searching for wica

i love your site...please donot think bad of me for my name...for what is in a name???

james davis - 08/18/00 02:24:02
My Email:detiny_child_32531.com@yahoo.com
your state or country: usa,fl
How did you find my site?: friend

need more about spells and herms

james davis - 08/18/00 02:22:13
My Email:detiny_child_32531.com@yahoo.com
your state or country: usa,fl
How did you find my site?: friend

need more about spells and herms

charles albert brown - 08/10/00 11:15:29
My Email:xXfriebornXx@yahoo.com
your state or country: tennessee
How did you find my site?: crystal's wicca world
Favorite website O' the week: this one so far

great sight

Ember - 08/06/00 20:12:36
My Email:kimmeh@limpbizkit.com
your state or country: Northern Ireland
How did you find my site?: from Spirit Online
Favorite website O' the week: SOnline

great! thanks was looking for as much info as i can on the FIVE elements...i was wondering do you know where i can find more info on the fith one...spirit? if not well then hey! good site btw!

WhiteRaven - 07/23/00 20:36:34
My Email:wravenmom@hotmail.com
your state or country: Oregon
How did you find my site?: Avatar Search
Favorite website O' the week: this is first --so far

Hey it's great to find a local website. I believe you are the same person with MerryMeet in Eugene, right? I live very close to meeting site and plan to attend july 26. I am looking for local support and contacts. I guess I should be patient, but if you have the time, e-mail would be great. Great site. Thanks for putting your time into communication! wr br>
Deena Sudz - 05/05/00 07:21:37
your state or country: Ontario, Canada
How did you find my site?: your pal Alex, met in Euchre
Favorite website O' the week: hugemen, just kidding

nice web site

Larry Jones - 04/25/00 03:50:02
My Email:larryjo@eudoramail.com
your state or country: OR
How did you find my site?: Witches voice link
Favorite website O' the week: Yours of course!


Squirrel - 03/11/00 00:11:08
My URL:http://hotmail
My Email:www.tsqrl@hotmail.com
your state or country: California
How did you find my site?: Kitty's Website
Favorite website O' the week: This one...just started 'surfing the web'...

Hi! How are ya doin'? Drop me an email (now that I have an email address) when you get a chance!! Love your site!!! Hope to hear from you soon! Squirrel

Cyndi - 02/22/00 02:18:41
My Email:Cyndirella21@aol.com
your state or country: Indiana
How did you find my site?: Wicca Search

Hi my name is Cyndi. I really think this site is so very Kool. If any Wiccan's wanna chat e-mail me!!

SilverRain - 02/12/00 19:09:18
My Email:charmedpiperp3@aol.com
your state or country: Raytown
How did you find my site?: A friend
Favorite website O' the week: www.claires.com

I love pagan stuff and after this page was reconstructed, I had no clue where to go, but its 20 million times better!

Tani - 02/10/00 00:37:16
My Email:sanjoli@aol.com
your state or country: Tennessee
How did you find my site?: avatar

I love your site and wish that you had a newsletter with advice for people who are fairly new to the craft and the way. Thank you, Tani

Mona - 02/06/00 15:40:16
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/spirit/celticsoul/index.html
How did you find my site?: yahoo

i think you could make this site a bit bigger. it's nice but incomplete. ~brightest blessings~

Jane Spratler - 01/09/00 19:06:56
My Email:spratler@home.com
your state or country: Wisconsin
How did you find my site?: my companion showed me
Favorite website O' the week: no particular favourite

Greetings and blessings to you lady.I love your website and will be showing it to my 16year old daughter(whose name is Rhianna).I have walked this path since I was a child,and like you, didn't know it had a name til I was much older. I'll continue to look at your website,and will tell others of a like mind about it. Blessings,Myriam

Dave (SABRE)(DRAGOON) - 06/06/99 07:13:52
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ca3/sabre
My Email:hq76@hotmail.com
your state or country: Cali/living in GA.
How did you find my site?: PowWow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Hello. I'm Dave. Was checking your site out. One of the best I've seen tonight. By the way; I have Irish blood in me. Hope to talk sometime. dave

Dave (SABRE)(DRAGOON) - 06/06/99 07:13:35
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ca3/sabre
My Email:hq76@hotmail.com
your state or country: Cali/living in GA.
How did you find my site?: PowWow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Hello. I'm Dave. Was checking your site out. One of the best I've seen tonight. By the way; I have Irish blood in me. Hope to talk sometime. dave

Dave (SABRE)(DRAGOON) - 06/06/99 07:12:55
My Email:hq76@hotmail.com
your state or country: Cali/living in GA.
How did you find my site?: PowWow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Hello. I'm Dave. Was checking your site out. One of the best I've seen tonight. By the way; I have Irish blood in me. Hope to talk sometime. dave

Dave (SABRE)(DRAGOON) - 06/06/99 07:12:44
My Email:hq76@hotmail.com
your state or country: Cali/living in GA.
How did you find my site?: PowWow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Hello. I'm Dave. Was checking your site out. One of the best I've seen tonight. By the way; I have Irish blood in me. Hope to talk sometime. dave

Dave (SABRE)(DRAGOON) - 06/06/99 07:11:13
My Email:hq76@hotmail.com
your state or country: Cali/living in GA.
How did you find my site?: PowWow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Hello. I'm Dave. Was checking your site out. One of the best I've seen tonight. By the way; I have Irish blood in me. Hope to talk sometime. dave

Aphrodite - 04/11/99 18:46:59
My Email:alias69_27@yahoo.com
your state or country: canada
How did you find my site?: from you

very cool Rhi -- still fixing mine --ill let you know when it is done -- see you around powwow

ARTIE - 03/18/99 05:08:09
your state or country: NEW YORK
How did you find my site?: WITCHES VOICE
Favorite website O' the week: HECATE


FireWind - 03/01/99 05:06:32
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members5/sicefire/
My Email:firewind7@hotmail.com
your state or country: London, Canada
How did you find my site?: Surfing
Favorite website O' the week: Yours, of course! ;)

I like this site, and especially the Brigit chant, BB!

Jay - 02/16/99 18:00:44
My Email:jclem@sps.lane.edu
your state or country: OR
How did you find my site?: witches voice

Hello, I'm a Springfield Wiccan just checkin' out the local sites. I might be inerested in finding a group to share sabbats with.

SHORTDOG - 01/06/99 08:12:27
My Email:shortdog60@hotmail.com
your state or country: Michigan
How did you find my site?: in the nook

kool site....love it

anarchist/James - 12/27/98 11:09:41
My Email:blondes1@ho9tmail
your state or country: wa,usa
How did you find my site?: POW WOW

awsome page learned while here and that is a good thing....

Karla English - 12/05/98 18:50:19
My Email:renglish@rio.com
your state or country: Springfield,Oregon
How did you find my site?: friend bookmarked it
Favorite website O' the week: yours of course!!!

I like your site, i'm signing this...But our friend Eric Rice, has already told you about all of us... We are very excited to learn of pagans in this area that we can communiate with... BB Karla English

Liteana - 11/22/98 07:54:47
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~wyrdfolke/
My Email:Liteana@pagans.org
your state or country: WA
How did you find my site?: AvatarSearch
Favorite website O' the week: MINE :)

No really you have a great site mine stinks compared to yours.I have only had my 'puter for 6wks and was out of town for 10days *S*.Gonna go check out links now.Hope some are as well done as yours..X-Files Rule !!!!!!!!

Kelle - 11/15/98 06:09:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/shortcut/index.html
My Email:sunny261@hotmail.com
your state or country: Upstate NY
How did you find my site?: Pow Wow
Favorite website O' the week: this one of course!

Hello...nice site that I have bookmarked. I have a daughter named Rhianna too....I'm on ICQ a lot # 7106528......I'll be back often to your links.

Luke - 11/07/98 06:48:35
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~Luke23
My Email:luke23@bigfoot.com
your state or country: Missouri
How did you find my site?: Links place :)


Amanda - 11/04/98 22:06:37
My Email:CrAcK311@aol.com
your state or country: North Dakota
How did you find my site?: Just cruisin

If any one has any advice for me (I am just starting out) or some cool spells pleas e-mail me an tell ~Blessed Be~

10/26/98 09:31:01
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Teresa - 10/24/98 04:30:05
My Email:troberts@inetarena.com
your state or country: Oregon
How did you find my site?: Powwow
Favorite website O' the week: Yours

Very cool and tasteful site. I am facinated with Paganism and Druidism. Your website is very informative without being pushy.. very cool.

lee (fawlinangl) - 10/15/98 07:27:27
My Email:palee72@hotmial.com
your state or country: PA, usa
How did you find my site?: pow wow (flirts nook)
Favorite website O' the week: yours

thanks for inviting me to your web page. I also have ICQ.. my # is 17214463

CatWoman - 10/02/98 17:35:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/6910
your state or country: Washington state!
How did you find my site?: Spiritual Women of the Web
Favorite website O' the week: Yours so far!

Greetings and bright blessings! Great site! I am so glad I stopped by! I have found a lot of good information, and I will be to visit! I hope you will do me the honor of stopping by to see my humble pages! Take care and Blessed Be!
Meowwwwwwwww ;)

Colin - 09/26/98 08:08:40
My Email:tenerifan@yahoo.com
your state or country: Tenerife, Spain
How did you find my site?: PowWow

A very attractive and interesting site. One day I'll get around to making one! Brightest Blessings, Colin High Priest Worldwide Circle of Web Weavers

Jeffrey - Xage - 09/22/98 06:56:02
My URL:very.soon.I.hope
My Email:xage@yahoo.com
your state or country: US
How did you find my site?: Powwow

I like your site... like the Pagan, Wiccan, page especially...

- 09/08/98 04:05:48
My Email:angel_witch@hotmail.com
your state or country: or
How did you find my site?: you e-mail me about it


wiccania - 08/26/98 01:54:49
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Academy/1901
My Email:wiccania@hotmail.com
your state or country: USA
How did you find my site?: my boyfriend found it and sent me

VERY nice site! One of the best pagan sites I've seen. Glad I came. If you didn't guess from my name, I'm Wiccan myself. For the past 22 years. I haven't built the section of my page on Wicca yet, when I do I'm going to make a page of links just for agan sites. You'll be on it.


Valkyr - 08/23/98 05:09:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~valkyr1/index.html
My Email:valkyr@webtv.net

Previous entry corrections. WolfBane at wolfbane1@webtv.net Web link is the same. Sorry, sticky keys. :-(

WolfBae - 08/23/98 04:48:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~valkyr1/index.html
My Email:wolfbane1@webtv.com
your state or country: Oregon
How did you find my site?: Witches Voice

May 'Brigit' always smile on your work, and the 'Wolf' never eat your moon. (Celtic/Teutonic) WolfBane

Andra - 08/10/98 00:54:47
My URL:http://www.SpiritOnline.com
My Email:webmaster@spiritonline.com
your state or country: USA
How did you find my site?: Stumbled in... :)

Wonderful site!! Keep it up, I am working on a links index for my site and I will be sure to add you once it's up and running. Until then I have you bookmarked, so I'll be back!

Lynn - 08/07/98 01:22:14
My Email:LynnieB@home.com
your state or country: Pennsylvania
How did you find my site?: Witches Voice

Nice site! I'm still exploring this subject and would appreciate any insight you could lend. Lynn

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