
Fonts Troubleshooting page

Basic Times and Arial Cyrillic

ER Universal fonts



Sample of Russian fonts

Это образец русского шрифта.

What's the Code Page?

Code page is a set of characters, each of those is assign a unique number. All computer files, in fact, represent a sequence of numbers, which is then reproduced into letters and numbers. When your system tries to produce the file to screen, it matches the number written in file with the number of a character of the selected set of characters -- code page -- and then displays that character. There are different sets for differnct languages. These pages are written in the True Type font and stored in the FONTS folder of your sustem.

Why my fonts are "scrambled"?

This happens because your code page in the browser is not selected right. This is known as encoding. This site is optimized for Windows-1251 and KOI8-R code pages. Try changing the encoding settings.

I try, but the fonts are still a mess?

Then it happens because you don't have fonts installed on your comptuer. In order to view a file, you would have to download files by clicking on the groups indicated on the left. If you have problems downloading, please contact webmaster.

Done downloading. What to do next?

Unzip all the fonts to the FONTS folder of your computer (note for Windows user: this folder is located in Windows catalog). Now you are set to go. To test whether your fonts and encoding are set up right, check this page

Created by: Alexey "AVY" Yantchuk
IATP Belarus Support granted
© IATP/Envila 1998
Last Updated: November 98