Welcome to A.J.'s R.M.S. Titanic Page

Maiden Voyage

After years of construction and hard work, the Titanic was finally ready for her maiden voyage. The maiden voyage was set on April 10, 1912. At 10:00 A.M., the first passengers began to come on board. Most of these passengers were british. The real rush of people came when the train boat arrived. People were scattered everywhere, trying to find their appropriate gangway. After the second class and third class passengers boarded the ship, the first class passengers were escorted to their cabins. Then at noon, the Titanic was ready to go. As the Titanic sets off, her water diplacement swings toward the Titanic. Quick actions prevented the collision. The New York is taken back to the docks by tugs, after an hour's delay, the Titanic headed for Cherbourg, France.

The Titanic arrived at Cherbourg at 5:30 P.M. Passengers had boarded, and the Titanic lifted her anchor at 8:10, on the way to Queenstown, Ireland. The Titanic arrived in Queenstown the next mornign at 11:30 A.M. More passengers board, and seven disembark. 1385 bags of mail are also just thrown aboard. And for the last time, the Titanic lifts her anchor and sails out for New York.

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Copyright © 2000 by Andrew Udvare.
Last Updated: 08/23/00.