The Ausland Family Site
Thanks for visiting the Ausland Family Page. Developed by Nick Ausland

Pictured to the left are our 4 wonderful children, Elise, Nick, Courtney, and Zachary. Of course this is the NEW traditional first day of school picture that was taken this August, '04:

Additionally, we place new pictures on the following two sites:


As a family we share in some common hobbies. Nick, Brian, and Becky all play competitive hockey. Nick is by far the most skilled, but Becky is probably the most competitive. As a family we are all either snow skiers or snow boarders in the winter. Elise has cornered the hobby of horseback riding as her love (see above), and we all like to go camping and fishing whenever time permits. Oh yeah, we all like waterskiing, wakeboarding, and anything to do with fast boats on smooth water in the summer...especially Becky! The picture above is Nick out on Becky's parent's boat this summer.
Our family has the greatest group of friends. We have people we have known since childhood, couples and families we know through work...and our kids always bring home some of the nicest, funnest friends from their classes and athletic teams. Last summer Becky and Brian traveled to Boston to join in the wedding of two of their friends. (picture to right is them at Paul Revere's grave in Boston)
We have extended family all around us. Here in California, we have Becky's family with the exception of her sister Noelle who lives in Tennessee. Brian's brother, father, and grandmothers live here, but his mom, dad, and youngest brother all live in Idaho. (picture of Brian and Becky at top of page is taken at the Wyoming / Idaho border just above Jackson Hole during Christmas 2002)