Our Unit is a recreation of Company A, of Col. Jonathan Bagley's 3 RD. Mass. Provincial Regiment. The Regiment fought in The French and Indian War from 1755 - 1763, and was composed of 10 companies, of approximately 55 men, The Regimental Staff, Auxiliaries and at least 6 Camp followers per company. The Regiment was uniformed from its organization in 1755, and the soldiers augmented their issue with clothes and equipment they brought or made.

Our members, come from four New England States. These are Mass., N.H., Ct. & Maine. Our annual dues are $12.00 per. year payable at our annual meeting, each year in January. We participate in an average of nine events each year, most are decided at our annual meeting.

Some of the places that we participate are, Ft. Western Me., Ft. Ticonderoga NY., Crown Point NY., Pound Ridge War Games, several local events at National Parks sites and some eventsthat we run on our own, such as, Camping weekends and Treks. We will be attending Fortress Louisbourg Nova Scotia in July of 1999. Events are normally held on Saturday and Sunday and we travel in small groups to minimize costs.

The Regiment is Sponsored by The New England Living History Association, and affiliated with, The Forces of Montcalm & Wolf, The Friends of Ft. Ticonderoga, The Minute Man National Park Assoc. The Ft. Western assoc. and The Boy Scouts of America, Exploring Div.

NEW MEMBERS / RECRUITS are encouraged and helped to attain a high standard of skill and authenticity as Men at Arms, Musicians, Auxiliaries (Surgeon, Q.M. Tradesmen, etc.). All are permitted 12 - 18 months to acquire the necessary full uniform, and equipment. Women and Children are an important part of our unit and also wear authentic clothing appropriate to the mid 18th. century in America.

Do you, enjoy the Out doors, Camping, Historic Sites, American History, Colonial Life,Colonial Music, Black Powder shooting and the Camaraderie and friendship of some great men and women? Then join us for a great season coming up!

If you would like to join us, or would like more information about our group please contact:

Captain Lawrence J. S. Aiello
160 Holland Street
Somerville, Ma 02144
Phone: (617) 625-1696


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