Revised King James New Testament
Questions and Answers


Why did you do this?
I didn't intend to. I was learning the programming language, Perl, and it occurred to me that I could use Perl to replace all the "thee's" and "thou's" and words ending in "eth" in the King James Version. Looking at the result I thought maybe just a little bit of editing would make a nice updated version of the KJV. That "little bit of editing" turned into about 800 hours of work. In retrospect, I believe God led me into this task a little bit at a time lest I be overwhelmed.

Does the world need another English version of the New Testament?
I didn't think so when I started out, but I'm hopeful that it serves a couple of needs: That many will like its more traditional sound, and that its being copyright free will encourage a wider distribution of God's Word, especially in poorer countries.

Who are you?
My name is Brad Haugaard and I'm a Christian who is currently working at an Internet business, but my training and much of my work experience is in journalism. I've worked at weekly newspapers, twice-weeklies, and dailies, including a stint as a stringer at a major metropolitan daily.

A few other sites I've created
Following are a couple other pages I've written, If you haven't had enough of me by now.

ChurchPR: A site showing churches how to get publicity in their local newspapers.
MediaSources: A site pointing journalists to good Christian sources.
Old Books: Clips from old books and magazines, plus a few of my own articles.
Simply Biographies Simple text biographies, many from old publications.
