
Clan Leadership

The Leadership of Clan Valkarine consists of  the Visa Ava~ Protectress of the Clan and High Priestess, and the Gerytsar~ Protector of the Clan and High Priest.  Lady Akasha Pele Valkarine holds the position of Visa Ava and Lord Jaga Grael Valkarine holds the position of Gerytsar. 

Lady Akasha is a Strega Gypsy Witch with a Slavic Folklore influence. She also has extensive training and background in Judeo-Christian traditions and philosophy. She studies Herbalism and Aromatherapy, Tarot, Crystals, Color and Candle Magick, Auras, and many other fields. A 'Practicing Witch' since she was 17, Lady Akasha comes from a line of Strega Witches reaching back to the 'Old Country'.

Lord Jaga is an Earth Based Witch, who focuses on the Magick of Trees and the Forest.  He also studies Runes, Tree Medicine, Ancient Religion and Mythology, Celtic Tree Oracle, the Passing-on of Souls, Staff creation and Magick, and is an extremely skilled Drummer.  He also comes from a long line of Witches, and cast his first circle at the age of nine.  Born and raised in Southeast Asia, he has an Eastern bend to his Path.

As the Leaders of Valkarine they encourage their Initiates and Members to study a variety of different Paths, including but not limited to Paganism, Witchcraft, Wicca, Judeo-Christian, Eastern and Ceremonial.  In doing this the Initiates become more intouch with their own Path and can make educated decisions on what to include in their magickal practices.  As well as develop an understanding and appreciation for a  Spiritual Life. 




Book of Shadows

