The Doctrine of Salvation

Theology:  The Study of God.  From the Greek Theos (God) and Ology (Study of ).
Doctrine:  That which is taught.  Taken from the Greek word Didache, and its conjugation Diaskalia.  First one meaning teaching, the latter meaning that which is taught.
Salvation:  Deliverance.  From the Greek word Soteria.  We are delivered from the penalty and power of sin by the Redemptive work and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Evangelist: From the Greek Ev meaning “well” or good and Angelos meaning “a messenger” Envangelizo means “To proclaim glad tidings.”  When we tell others about Christ we are envangelizing.  Our lives and lips should be messengers for God.

Purpose of Series:
To better equip us and enable us to be better witnesses of God’s grace; To be better envangelists to this lost world in which we live; and To make sure we are in the faith.  The depth will help us to defend our faith, share it with others, and most importantly know what we believe and why.

Importance of Study:
1.  You can be wrong on every doctrine, but be right on Salvation and you will spend eternity in heaven.
2.  You can be right on all other doctrines, but be wrong on Salvation and you will spend eternity in hell.
 Of all doctrines in the Bible this is the most crucial, vital, and important to truly and fully understand.
For the following reasons:
 1.  To make sure we are saved first.
 2.  To keep from leading anyone to hell.
  a.  The WRONG doctrine of Salvation has FIERY consequences.
 3.  To avoid being led astray by current controversies.
 4.  To proclaim the saving work of Christ to others.

Depth and Detail of Study:
This will be an in-depth and detailed study of this doctrine, so that we will know what we believe, why we believe it, how to defend what we believe from attack, and how we can effectively communicate it to others.