Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed November 19, 2003)

Cheap, obvious, predictable. Did I mention "cheap?"

"Timeline" looks and plays like a made-for-cabler. I've seen episodes of "Sliders" that would have made better movies than this. The time machine is about as technologically impressive as a three-way mirror at Macy's. The romance between Paul ("The Fast and the Furious") Walker and some brainy cold-fish archaeologist is laughably preposterous. There is no depth here at all, and not much sense, either.

I did learn a couple of things from "Timeline," though. (Okay, three, if you count "avoid subsequent Paul Walker movies.") First, those huge, catapult-like devices that fling massive flaming boulders at a castle are called trebuchets (treb-yoo-shays'). Second, "Greek fire" is a composition that makes fire spread the more it gets wet.

Oh, so you knew those things already, huh? Well good for you, Brainiac. GFY!

Back Row Grade: D-

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