Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Phone Booth

(Reviewed April 7, 2003)

Colin Farrell is amazing to watch in this taut thriller about a guy held prisoner in a phone booth for more than an hour of "real time" by a mindgame-playing sniper. This could have been an embarrassing, scenery-chewing extravaganza opportunity for a lesser actor, but Farrell manages to go right up to the edge of excess without falling over. An amazing performance.

There are some plot problems with "Phone Booth," but ultimately they don't hurt the movie much. For one thing, I'm not convinced that a duplicitous, fast-talking hustler like Farrell's character would not hang up on the anonymous caller right away, before his antagonist could get to the point. And there is a definite time problem with the final resolution, the details of which I can't go into without spoiling the ending.

Those flaws are distinctly minor, however, in a "stunt" movie that is this incredibly well executed. I really liked this one a lot. So go see it, already.

Back Row Grade: A-

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