Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Agent Cody Banks

(Reviewed February 28, 2003)

Everyone who buys a ticket to this flimsy family flick will expect it to be as quick-paced, hip and charming as star Frankie Muniz's excellent TV show "Malcolm in the Middle." It isn't. In a world where audiences already have seen the innovative, flashy and clever "Spy Kids" and "Spy Kids 2," "Agent Cody Banks" is not even state-of-the-art for its genre.

Muniz is likable, but the direction is dull, the story is dumb, the special effects are lousy and the whole project smacks of "bad cable movie." Angie Harmon, playing the bitchy-hot CIA agent in charge of high-schooler Muniz's junior James Bond character, looks amazingly sexy...but that's Just Not Enough. Sorry. And Hilary Duff, as the girl Muniz has to "get with," is just plain boring.

For what it would cost to take your kids to this dud and fill them up with overpriced concessions, you could buy the box set of "Malcolm in the Middle"'s entire first season at (with which I have no financial connection, oh ye of suspicious mind). $28.76 as of 2/28/03, with no tax and FREE shipping. I absolutely love that place. End of free plug.

Back Row Grade: D

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