Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed September 21, 2001)

This is a very funny lightweight "Austin Powers" sort of comedy starring Ben Stiller as Derek Zoolander, the dumbest male model in the universe (which probably is saying a lot). Stiller's real-life wife Christine Taylor plays a Time magazine reporter who stumbles upon (as they say) a nefarious plot to brainwash Zoolander, Stiller's real-life father Jerry Stiller plays Zoolander's agent, Owen Wilson is Zoolander's chief rival Hansel, and "Saturday Night Live" star Will Ferrell is a way-over-the-top fashion designer who is flamingly, flamboyantly Up To No Good.

Best scenes include a "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" montage featuring Zoolander and three of his fellow rather effeminate male models cavorting at a gas station while a pair of disgusted attendants look on, and a mano-a-mano unsanctioned "walk-off" runway competition refereed by a surprise guest star who really is a surprise. Also, Jon Voight's performance as Zoolander's father and "X-Files" star David Duchovny's cameo as a conspiracy-spoiler are deadpan comic gems.

Stiller directed, from a script he cowrote, and does an impressive job, especially in his send-up of a VH1-style fashion awards show. (The fact that VH1 Studios is one of the companies that produced this movie probably helped...)

Best of all, this movie VERY prominently features the classic Frankie Goes to Hollywood single "Relax," arguably the finest song ever written in the history of the universe. A piece of fictional Frankie history that is mentioned in the movie is hilarious, especially for fans of that sorely missed 1980s group.

Frankie say: Go see this movie!

Back Row Grade: B+

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