Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



"Sugar & Spice"
(Reviewed January 16, 2001)
Lordy, what has happened to Mena Suvari's career? She was great as the stuck-up bitchlet cheerleader surprise-I'm-a-virgin in "American Beauty." Then came the execrable "Loser," absolutely and without doubt the WORST movie of 2000. (And in a year that included the release of "Battlefield Earth," that's saying something!) And now comes this achingly unamusing, so god-awful it reminded me of television, groaner of a "comedy" "Sugar & Spice."

For this reviewer, a movie that is chock full of cheerleaders automatically has a lot going for it. So just try to imagine how incredibly, unbelievably bad this movie had to be for me to give it an unwavering "F."

Another shocker: I was stunned to find out later that the lead actor in this crapfest, whose name I will not trouble myself to look up, is the guy who played a pretty good Cyclops in "X-Men." In this movie, his performance is so broad and unfunny and just plain bad that he is darn lucky he made it AFTER getting the "X-Men" job--because his headshot would have gone straight in File 13 if the producers had seen this dog first.

Also, there is no nudity whatsoever in this movie, for those of you shallow enough to care about such things.

Back Row Grade: F

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