Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed December 5, 2002)

Dull and pretentious, with a silly-"Twilight Zone"-ish plot, but at least it has some style. "Kubrick-lite" style, to be specific.

George Clooney is a psychiatrist sent to a space station where everyone has gone wacko. Turns out the planet they are orbiting can recreate the dead from memories, which has a way of freaking people out. Would it be wrong to keep such beings around, even after they realize they are mere shadows without their own identities? Go to Starbucks and discuss.

Oddly enough, I didn't hate this movie as much as the general public seems to loathe it. Yes, "Solaris" is boring. And it's not nearly so deep as the filmmakers seem to think it is. But at least it is kinda sorta about something; specifically, it is about something other than stuff blowing up.

Could be worse.

Back Row Grade: C-

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