Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed March 5, 2002)

Put aside the fact that this shockingly lame and unfunny movie treats its audience like brain-dead morons. That practice is not exactly something new in the entertainment industry, after all. There honestly is not a single laugh in this campy, stupid pairing of Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro as a pair of L.A. cops who are the subjects of a "Cops"-like TV show. There are plenty of the sort of lines that garner waves of hysterical pants-pissing guffaws from sitcom laugh tracks, but I don't think I so much as smiled during the entire dismal duration.

But like I said, put all of that aside. What is really offensive about the movie is this:

The creative talents (and I use the term very loosely) behind "Showtime" apparently are so indoctrinated in Hollywood knee-jerk liberal ideology that they cannot allow for the possibility that privately owned firearms ever could be used for good. One scene in the movie takes place at a convention-center gun show. Despite the fact that enough firepower to supply a few armies is displayed on tables and in booths, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THE DEALERS OR CONVENTIONGOERS PICKS UP A WEAPON TO TAKE OUT A BAD GUY WHO SUDDENLY BEGINS SHOOTING UP THE PLACE. Let me repeat that: When a bad guy starts shooting, not one single person with access to firepower bothers to pick up a gun and plug the bastard, even though there are thousands of firearms present and thousands of people present who know how to use them!

Now try to imagine such a scene happening in real life. The bad guy would be shot full of holes so fast that the coroner would need to pick him up in a body baggie instead of a body bag.

I am reminded of the news story from a few years back in which some psycho killed several diners at a Texas restaurant. One of the women present said that she might have been able to save her mother from being one of that killer's victims if she had been allowed to carry a handgun in her purse. Naturally, liberals were outraged at the mere suggestion of such a thing.

People, do yourselves and this country a favor: Stop voting for idiots, and start putting Libertarians in office. To learn more about the only party that believes in ALL of the freedoms the Bill of Rights is supposed to guarantee, go here:

Libertarian Party Home Page

Back Row Grade: F

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