Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



"Sexy Beast"

(Reviewed December 9, 2001)

Ben Kingsley is terrific as The Most Annoying Underworld Figure Who Ever Lived, a British thug who shows up in Spain one day to badger, harass, insult, threaten, demean, cajole and generally brutalize a former underling (Ray Winstone) into taking part in an upcoming heist. His interactions with that character, another former henchman and their wives are deliciously nasty, turning what is mostly a four-character living-room drama into an edgy psychological thriller. Easily the best dialog of the year (although the Brit accents are so thick at times that you will be very grateful for the subtitles button on your DVD's remote), and the cinematography is equally colorful and sharp. A great movie!

Back Row Grade: A

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