Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed August 26, 2002)

Director Godfrey Reggio is back with part three of his "Qatsi" trilogy (following the masterpiece "Koyaanisqatsi" and the okay-but-not-great "Powaqqatsi"), a disappointing montage of images that never achieves the feeling of melancholy, awe and mystery evoked by its predecessors. "Naqoyqatsi" assembles footage ranging from athletic competitions to A-bomb tests to kaleidoscopic computer art to static shots of wax-museum figures. All of it adds up to not much, although watching this passing parade of visuals to the tune of Philip Glass's soothingly repetitious score is, as before, almost a hypnotic experience. Still, a lot of editing would have kept things from dragging so much. (An endless segment of camera pans across people's smiling faces in a black-limbo set is the first thing that should have hit the cutting-room floor.)

Back Row Grade: C-

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