Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



"Jurassic Park III"

(Reviewed July 16, 2001)

This gets such a high grade mainly because it delivers exactly what anyone who pays to see it will want to see: lots of "people running from cool-looking computer-generated dinosaurs." Also, Tea Leoni is so radiantly beautiful that she looks good even carrying around some extra post real-life-pregnancy poundage. Yum! And Sam Neill is totally in on the joke this time around, playing his character just slightly tongue-in-cheek, to the point where you halfway expect the guy to turn to the camera and wink.

If you want smart and fun, go see "Ghost World" (in which Thora Birch's Enid actually wears a "Raptor" T-shirt through a lot of the movie, perhaps knowing what she would be up against...). But if you want just plain fun (well, if you consider fleeing from hungry dinos fun, that is), you could do a lot worse than taking another trip back to Isla Sorna.

Back Row Grade: B

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