Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



The Good Girl

(Reviewed August 8, 2002, by James Dawson)

Some of America's dopier critics have called this "one of the best movies of the year," which says more about what else has been released in 2002 than it does about the quality of this occasionally amusing but not quite wonderful trifle.

Jennifer Aniston plays a dispirited, married, 30-year-old, lower-middle-class cashier at a crappy Retail Rodeo store who has an affair with a Younger Man who could be Tobey Maguire's scruffier, hornier twin. Aniston's primary means of conveying the characterization of one of the Common Rabble is by walking without swinging her arms. Nearly every whiter-than-the-whitest-whitey-whitebread suburban character in the movie is written with the same cloddish, cliche-ridden lack of finesse that distinguished 2000's God-awful Natalie Portman movie "Where the Heart Is," which so obviously was written by a committee of smug, rich, Hollywood jerkoffs that hordes from the heartland should have risen up with pitchforks and marched westward to California in a mad frenzy of death and destruction. BUT I DIGRESS.

The biggest disappointment in the movie is the old, old, old plot device of a guy getting a sperm test, and the resulting consequences. Can you say PREDICTABLE AS HELL?

Basically, this is one of those movies that sort of just misses being funny. It's...okay...but then again, the only time I laughed was when a character found himself unexpected naked. So much for wit!

Back Row Grade: C

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