Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson




(Reviewed February 25, 2002, by James Dawson)

A relentlessly stupid and unconvincing "Touched by an Angel"-style sentimental slop-fest. This is the kind of insultingly dumb movie that has characters spouting dialog such as, "As a professor of law, you would think I'd be more careful with my language." Sweet Jesus!

Much of the plot (dead guy's wife trying to contact him through creepy means) has a lot in common with the far better "Mothman Prophecies" that came out earlier this year. "Mothman" was no classic, but compared to this garbage it was friggin' "Citizen Kane."

One final example of how "Dragonfly" is idiotic in extremis: Kevin Costner's dead missus apparently can make things fly through the air. Big things, and lots of them, like the entire contents of a wardrobe. BUT THOSE THINGS ONLY HAPPEN WHEN COSTNER IS NOT LOOKING, even though if he (and especially others) were to see them happening, everyone would be convinced that (a) there actually is a spirit world, and (b) Costner is not losing his marbles. Good God, this movie is bad.

Back Row Grade: F

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