Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course

(Reviewed June 29, 2002, by James Dawson)

Crocodile (and snake and spider and lots of other things) hunter Steve Irwin is so likable and entertaining that this movie really should have been a longer version of his TV show. Unfortunately, only half of the movie is that--while the other half is a dumb, awkwardly grafted-on story about battling CIA agents trying to retrieve a downed spy satellite that has ended up in the gullet of a croc Irwin is trying to relocate. Without fail, every time the CIA agents are onscreen the energy level (and interest level) of this movie drops to zero--but every time the camera is back on hyperactive Aussie Steve, things are really fun in an innocently goofy way...and even, God help me, educational.

I did like the fact that the American government agents are portrayed as violent, stupid bullies--which certainly is an accurate assessment of our great nation's overpaid, underworked idiot bureaucrats. God bless America!

Back Row Grade: C-

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