Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



The Count of Monte Cristo

(Reviewed January 22, 2002, by James Dawson)

So-so adaptation of the classic tale, occasionally lapsing into TV miniseries mode and not terribly well directed, but it has its moments. Most of those good moments occur when the great Richard Harris is onscreen, playing a fellow prisoner Our Hero meets while imprisoned at the Castle D'If. Unfortunately, he has more life, spirit, vigor and charm than star Jim Caviezel, who specializes in moping, moping some more, and looking sullen every now and then to break up all the moping.

The screenwriters couldn't resist the temptation to throw a few achingly inappropriate gag lines, but for the most part the story is played straight. At least, I think it is. God knows I haven't read the novel. Hey, at least I'm the one critic who will admit it!

Beautiful locations and sets, and very nice cinematography. Not really a movie to dislike very intensely, but also one that seems as if it should have been quite a bit more thrilling.

Back Row Grade: C-

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