Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Blue Crush

(Reviewed July 27, 2002, by James Dawson)

Kind of a dopey chick movie, but it gets points for having a surprisingly dark undertone and some really great surf shots. A blond Barbie babe who works as a maid in a Hawaiian hotel wants to be a surfing champion, if she can get over the memory of bangin' her head real good on a rock during a previous competition. She lives with a couple of other close-to-poverty-level maids and her own young sister, who has started hanging with a Bad Crowd. Fortunately, blondie catches the eye of a visiting pro football player who tosses her some bones, as well as his bone, and everything pretty much works out in the end. Just like in real life.

Back Row Grade: C-

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